@mikestable ROFLMAO https://t.co/WpUSfDF5H1
@emilepetrone I humbly suggest that an alternate route is for engineers to deprecate the existing legal system by building a superior one.
Code is law; law is code. It’s high time that the legal system learns a thing or two about modern code development from software engineers.
@BitcoinAverage Are you experiencing technical difficulties?
@Pierre_Rochard @Bitstein By the way, @twobitidiot, how’d that market timing work out for you? I couldn’t bear sitting on the sidelines…
@Bitstein @Pierre_Rochard @twobitidiot The problem with talking your book is that it’s often indistinguishable from market manipulation.

Oatmeal ICANN seized and disabled my website because I forgot to open an email and verify my contact info. Yikes. pic.twitter.com/TQjj6MzTnJ
RT @jefft: Great blog post on how we use Redis for worker queues here @Bronto: http://t.co/b5ttAbOro7
RT @headhntr: It appears CMU isn’t denying involvement in the attacks on the Tor network that @torproject disclosed earlier today. http://t…
It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ll be giving a presentation about statoshi.info at @Cryptolina in two weeks!
@coinbase @Wikimedia @Wikipedia Now how about you disable the silly requirement to fill out a form with personal information.
RT @sapan211: @lopp @Wikipedia actually…..https://t.co/rTZs9evd2L
@shannonNullCode cool; you should come to the @TriangleBitcoin meetup Saturday and @Cryptolina in a few weeks!
jgarzik .@shannonNullCode Absolutely. Blockchain tech is a new type of eventual consistency database. Tokens are just the first + easiest app.
Oh look, @Wikipedia is asking for donations again. Too bad they refuse to accept the “artificial currency,” bitcoin. https://t.co/lXhjGCVKgX
@coindesk A power surge isn’t quite the same as “being struck by lightning” - sensationalize much?
Coinapult Today is the biggest day in Coinapult’s history. See what all the noise is about ow.ly/zGWkL #lockyourbits
@ErikVoorhees @Coinapult So, are there any fees to use Locks? I’m trying to figure out how you make a profit from this service.
emilepetrone Today’s lesson in international commerce: You can’t send money to a person in Croatia via Paypal.
@cryptotraveler Basically, they randomly remove text & photos from your profile, change your match %, then analyze your conversations.
.@okcupid just made their first blog post in 3 years (I missed their analyses) and holy shit, it’s a doozy. http://t.co/e7h8NpJIlK
ErikVoorhees Now every physical store in the world can become a Bitcoin ATM with no new hardware coinsafe.com #decentralization #future
RT @jgarzik: Shit #Bitcoin Fanatics Say, Part 3: https://t.co/ZvBypMXdJD
RT @normanliang: Article: Use of illicit drugs becomes part of Silicon Valley’s work culture http://t.co/UvBGYVCegV
@pmccall777 @pig_poetry It’s perfectly acceptable if he has no use for the technology. However, dismissing it as “a joke” makes him a tool.
@pmccall777 @pig_poetry This has nothing to do with dogma. This is about proven properties of a technology that he continues to ignore.
@pmccall777 You like his style of ignorance? He doesn’t understand what backs the Bitcoin protocol, and thus dismisses users as “gullible.”
oleganza Strong crypto is just math. But once some people with guns start blaming it as terrorism, it becomes a big happy Fuck You movement.
@FnxTX Certainly! There is no guarantee, though technically minded people seem to have the highest rate.
“Whenever you put your faith in big government for any reason, sooner or later you wind up an apologist for mass murder.” - Karl Hess
I had no expectation of convincing John; I consider this a win b/c some NYPost readers may visit bitcoinsig.com & educate themselves
Bitcoin skeptic John Crudele has publicly responded to my email in his latest @nypost column. http://t.co/TdwTcZLzSk /cc @NakamotoInst
RT @ryanxcharles: The ethereum hype. http://t.co/OqmvstaAws
7) Remember this: Satoshi did not request donations or “pre-sell” shares in the Bitcoin system before it was launched.
6) However, funding such ideas should be considered a philanthropic gesture. Doing so as an “investment” with expected profit is foolhardy.
5) I’m not saying that we should not fund good ideas. We should, if they are sound, have a solid implementation roadmap, and skilled devs.
4) Funds are raised, little-to-no progress is made, then the entities who collected the funds disappear / go silent.
3) I keep seeing the same story play out over an over in the crypto space; great ideas are presented but “WE JUST NEED FUNDING!”
2) The crowdfunding model is a great way to leverage the power of the swarm, however, it’s unethical to “sell” vaporware.
1) Ideas are worthless; it is only with proper execution that an idea can gain value.
@mikestable Sad story, lulzy shirt http://t.co/M9kPmPmjB6
@mikestable FYI: shipadick.com
@kyledrake The Blockchain doesn’t care if you’re a terrorist or drug user. :-)
@mikestable @gigq @jefft Million dollar idea: build a market for professional points hounds such as yourself to shop for others & take a cut
@Maggie_McNeill @CathyReisenwitz Nope, I claim practically zero knowledge of sex markets. Do the existing markets have pain points?
@CathyReisenwitz Was discussing implications of Silk Road on drug markets & realized we need a frictionless pimpless market for sex workers.
@pig_poetry Next time just orient yourself toward the stench of superiority
Alienware Alienware now accepts Bitcoin! For a limited time, get up to $150 off when using this payment method! alienware.com
A warm welcome to the newest U.S. Bitcoin exchange, @coinsetter! coinsetter.com
@CheapAir @cryptotraveler Both my flights went smoothly; I even had the whole row to myself on the last leg!
@joonian /u/bitcoinstudent on reddit: http://t.co/gjn0enQTAm

@mikestable Say. My. Name. pic.twitter.com/n0vQErOfEZ
@cgarmstrong Just drove it for 400 miles, including over a mountain range, and can confirm that it is badass.
RT @oleganza: If ethereum authors believe in its bright future, why would they sell it for btc which must lose all value if ether becomes v…

Today I bought my dream car. I think I’ll call it The Bitmobile :-) pic.twitter.com/myR4zxh5Cq
RT @EdFelten: Senate offers HTTPS as an option, but House, Supreme Court, and White House don’t even have valid certificates. #insecure
Anyone participating in the @ethereumproject Genesis sale should read the Terms & Conditions. https://t.co/vSZy5vytla http://t.co/WJdXyZvdiV
@cryptotraveler I’m taking off on my first @CheapAir flight in 12 hours!
@gigq Actually lower than I expected…
The @winklevoss Bitcoin Index API is now live docs.winkdex.com
Interesting results of a Bitcoin user poll that is currently being conducted: https://t.co/7pS0MOjtcQ
RT @theDogeparty: Dogeparty, Where High Finance Meets the Internet http://t.co/V3H1FYaZKu
@PGuru714 If the law was created via a democratic process; consensus seems to be that NYDFS exists outside of the democratic process.
Innovators don’t ask for permission to make the world a better place. http://t.co/Ct18Du1wkJ
@flyosity ignorance does not discriminate & knows no bounds
@wraltraffic @PhishTwirl Can’t see the photo because the account is protected :-(
There’s a run on AK-47s b/c ignorant gun owners don’t realize that Russia is not the only country that produces them. http://t.co/Cc0xpOIwX4
@Magnus919 @jefft @MarilynAvila Did you make the mistake of asking for permission?
@jefft @Broadwell4House @MarilynAvila :-( I think we’re way past the point where it is reasonable to expect politicians to improve our lives
@jefft @MarilynAvila Perhaps it is time to deprecate @TWC and its cronies. Mesh networks FTW?
RT @stripe: Bitcoin: the Stripe perspective. https://t.co/jj4E0qxAkG
@mikestable IDK how a single parent can keep track of 5 (going on 6) kids, much less support them on $10 / hour…
Homeless Durham mom asks DSS for help, they turn her away. She posts ad seeking shelter, DSS shows up and takes kids. http://t.co/XhJhnlb1AC
It’s going to be an interesting week. Shout out to @CheapAir for making my one-way flight to Chattanooga a painless bitcoin purchase!
@CathyReisenwitz @CCATDP Do we agree that it’s immoral for corps to make a profit off of incarcerating individuals? Poor incentive model IMO
@CCATDP @CathyReisenwitz How does life imprisonment hold up under that same microscope?
@mikestable P-I-Z-Z-A R-O-F-L http://t.co/PazgNJTKrk
“Wine we need for health, the health we need to drink vodka.” - Victor Chernomyrdin, former Prime Minister of Russia
@BlackCoinPool @CharlieShrem @HashReport That’s some major “hover hand” you’ve got going on. http://t.co/Hc3ApBg64s
@NakamotoInst, I found an addition for “The Skeptics” - ROFL at John Crudele http://t.co/hfvTC6jEQa
There are no historical examples of barter economies; the double coincidence of wants makes it necessary to have a medium of exchange.
RT @oleganza: In money, “units” mean nothing. Only your share of total money supply matters. Hence, “producing money” means redistribution …
@mikestable @PrimalDurham But at least they didn’t serve you any gluten #amirite?
balajis As more merchants accept Bitcoin as remuneration, more people will accept Bitcoin as compensation.

Dell Buy digital with digital: We’re now accepting bitcoin on Dell.com del.ly/6017liYD pic.twitter.com/bzre6G8uNx
@jbeardsley Regardless, I don’t find it acceptable to tell people that they’re not allowed to defend themselves “because statistics.”
@jbeardsley Shhhhhh let the man have his propaganda.
@Jeremy_DeGroot @pmccall777 What is this “civilized” world to which you are referring?
@pmccall777 Yep; their police response times are some of the worst in the nation IIRC.
Detroit police chief says armed citizens are curbing crime. Remember folks, it’s easier to carry a gun than a cop. http://t.co/5xn5Fu7wbZ
Watching regulatory debates; same old story.
Statists: “It’s for your own good.”
Anarchists: “I know what is good for me. Leave me alone.”
@cryptotraveler This is not news, it’s entertainment. IIRC, a law was passed in the 70s that made allowed “news” stations to spew BS.
@BitPay @Bitstein “Bitcoin is an independant currency” - can you please fix the spelling of “independent” on bitpay.com/getbits
@pmccall777 @nsa In capitalistic systems, it behooves one to assert control over the limited resources first.
Don’t send me any unencrypted message that you wouldn’t CC: @nsa. Better yet, don’t send me any unencrypted messages. lopp.net/pgp.asc
@3_nekomata @CathyReisenwitz @petertoddbtc My understanding is ring sigs provide obfuscation; zero knowledge proofs provide true anonymity.
@3_nekomata @CathyReisenwitz @petertoddbtc @monerocurrency On privacy scale, seems to me that least to most is BTC -> XMR -> zerocash.
@CathyReisenwitz @petertoddbtc Right; author mentions a truly anonymous cryptocurrency, which @ZerocoinProject aims to be.
RT @petertoddbtc: The rich and powerful already have access to anonymous, untraceable money; Bitcoin levels the playing field. http://t.co/…
CathyReisenwitz Hard to watch but very well-executed. Call the Cops - Rob Hustle ft. Liv: youtu.be/IlY9C6pzxKc via @YouTube
RT @chain: Send bitcoin with your fingerprint in iOS8 with Touch ID (video):
RT @BenLawsky: Here is the announcement describing the new proposed virtual currency rules. #bitcoin http://t.co/4U80vKvFCd
@brucefenton @kaushikcbasu Is every publicly traded asset a “naturally occurring Ponzi scheme?”
@brucefenton @jonmatonis @BashCo_ @ghash_io You need an automated (dis)incentive of some sort; asking nicely just doesn’t cut it.
@Jeremy_DeGroot @WorldBank TL;DR don’t confuse a limited resource that’s a publicly traded asset which fuels a speculative bubble w/a Ponzi.
@Jeremy_DeGroot @WorldBank The SEC disagrees. http://t.co/3K1W0OD3IF
Recent @WorldBank report calls Bitcoin a “naturally occurring Ponzi.” Oh, and gold and housing are Ponzis too. ROFL http://t.co/AV6yPSKiTA
@mikestable P-I-Z-Z-A https://t.co/EgPlTUWWNF
@realytcracker global thermonuclear war?
@cryptotraveler For security, I recommend an M of N split key or multisig cold storage scheme.
@cryptotraveler I mean literal death. Your heirs should be able to recover your cryptocurrency. I have instructions in my will.
@cryptotraveler I’ve also been surprised by the number of Bitcoin Barons who have nothing in place in case of their sudden demise.
@cryptotraveler Far too few people understand the level of paranoia required to maintain bank-level security.
@Magnus919 @twitter The way that @facebook shows me posts that people I don’t know have made on my friend’s walls… #fail. DILLIGAF?
@MarketPumps101 @ErikVoorhees I wonder if he had ACH debits from @coinbase; @WellsFargo has a history of closing accounts for doing that.
@jgarzik @FlyinHellfish29 @guardian @ggreenwald Waste of resources. I vote we skip to “pardoned.” Oh wait, forgot this isn’t a democracy.
realytcracker seriously @alyankovic you are murdering it so hard right now
RT @alxwinter: Happy to announce that @downloaded_doc is now on @netflix: http://t.co/bv4miVvlWi
My first post on the @bronto Engineering blog is now live: Introducing the @BrontoKegbot! http://t.co/gWGu1nS145
@PGuru714 @polemitis @binarybits @NakamotoInst I don’t think they are. Neither do they seem to be worried about paper money. ;-)
@binarybits @NakamotoInst Valid point. If we don’t progress from the status quo, you’re right. Key mgmt needs to be abstracted away.
pig_poetry I’m finally watching The Wire. This show is so 90s. Remember when the cops had to get an affidavit to get your metadata?
@binarybits Feel free to write an article about why smart property is a terrible idea; @NakamotoInst may add you to the skeptics section.
Realtime US economy in one page: usdebtclock.org
@Jeremy_DeGroot @mark_a_phelps @jarradag @pmccall777 I recommend saving for higher education instead.
RT @maxtaco: New post on why and how @keybaseio writes the root of its Merkle Tree to the Bitcoin blockchain: https://t.co/cJK6mQEuIQ
RT @stevewrigley: how true… #developers #engineers #tech http://t.co/xmhy1vIbMR
@mark_a_phelps @cndreisbach @ATCDurham @Jeremy_DeGroot +smoking lounge
@pig_poetry No, though there are node.js Bitcoin node clients such as bitcore.io and insight.is
I have begun work on a Bitcoin Baron funded node project & intend to release more open source tools for node operators in coming weeks.

@mark_a_phelps We can do better. Like the bowllet i.imgur.com/pNFHuSP.jpg
@CharlieShrem I believe you mean Morgan Spurlock; much cooler guy.

@mikestable WWT caught on camera: i.imgur.com/ftC1KX9.gif
@PGuru714 @bensotheremail @shraga7 Maybe we’re all just getting confused with Jewbilee en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewbilee
@PGuru714 @bensotheremail Fascinating. I’d love to ask @shraga7 directly for a response, though it looks like he’s not active on Twitter.
@PGuru714 @bensotheremail I’ve heard references to it previously; what about these sources? https://t.co/PZ5UbgLIY0 http://t.co/iDM2sMO5aP
Chapel Hill teen seeks fun and profit mining for bitcoins. http://t.co/nVsY8yuSjz
bensotheremail @lopp Jewish traditions had year of Jubilee every 50 yrs debt was wiped out
The cycle has historically been broken by creating a clean slate in 1 of 2 ways.
1) Consumer debt amnesty by the elites.
2) Violent revolt.
We can see cycles spanning tens / hundreds of years during which the debts owed by the lower classes to the elites grows to a breaking point
All monetary systems are based upon debt, and the history of debt can be followed back in time for thousands of years.
“It’s ridiculous to pretend we could ever reduce human behavior, economic or otherwise, to a math formula of any sort.” @davidgraeber
For hundreds of years it has simply been assumed that the guardian of all debt must necessarily be the state. @davidgraeber
The Sumerian word “amargi,” the first recorded word for “freedom” means “return to mother” - freed debtors could go home. @davidgraeber
“…money is just a commodity, chosen to facilitate exchange, which we use to measure the value of other commodities.” @davidgraeber
Cryptolina #Cryptolina is proud to welcome Jason King from @SeansOutpost as a speaker/presenter! Excited to hear about #Bitcoin Across America!
CathyReisenwitz Secure children; fuck the border.
@jgarzik AKA CYA for when SHTF
@magaFirst @patrickregister I’m actually shopping right now for a new car to put on my BITCOIN license plate, but I’m looking at Lotus’
RT @patrickregister: ฿3.2 Bitcoins for my 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GT. V6, A/C, Auto and FUN! http://t.co/IPgBkJy54B http://t.co/LoLF18dk5E
@cypherdoc2 @xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin I think we can make value propositions to Barons to suggest they invest in projects.
@cypherdoc2 @xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin Obviously we can’t force them to do anything, but I do see them as an untapped resource.
@mikestable Guess which dumbass said: “[NSA intelligence-gathering] is necessary. We’re at war with radical Islam.” https://t.co/v2mXAipQDN
@cypherdoc2 @xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin To an extent. If EVERYONE were to HODL, I guarantee the system would stall out.
@Jeremy_DeGroot Dogecoin such construction! Dogeconomy is down but not out!
If only Buttcoiners spent half the energy they use denigrating Bitcoiners to instead be constructive & innovative… http://t.co/Gig6mJELiB
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin There is no wrong answer when it comes to contributing your skills. There are many facets that need work!
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin More entities are becoming reliant upon this system continuing to function; they need to pitch in.
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin I’m also baffled by the Bitcoin Barons who aren’t investing some of their gains back into the ecosystem.
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin I’d also like to see more Bitcoin enthusiasts stepping outside their comfort zone to spread awareness.
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin And, of course the ongoing issues of mining centralization. I think we need more mining manufacturers.
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin It seems to me that discussions on the dev mailing list have slowed in recent months; not sure why.
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin As @gavinandresen has stated multiple times, it’s very difficult to achieve consensus amongst core devs.
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin I’ve been contributing my dev skills toward analyzing nodes via my Statoshi fork statoshi.info
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin I’d like to see a plug-and-play hardware Bitcoin node in the $100 range that’s easy to config & maintain.
@xbtwire @jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin The difficulty / resources / skills required to run and maintain a node are causing a decline, for one.
@jgarzik @TampaBayBitcoin We need to change the mindset from “oh, someone else will handle that problem” to “how can I contribute?”
jgarzik We need 1000x more #bitcoin developers. Too few understand the whole system. #CoinSummit
Evidence that @pmarca is more machine than man. 120 tweets per day? An order of magnitude more than I can bang out… http://t.co/i5SkGhWGAD
@aantonop You resigned from an industry-centric organization that CALLS itself “The Foundation” in order to make itself sound important.
@Nightwolf42 @orionwl @github Even better if you’d support tying bitcoin donations to github issues as bounties.
RT @ncpolicelogs: WTF, Durham PD?!?! Officer admits under oath that DPD commonly fakes 911 calls to gain entry to homes of citizens. http:/…
@BitcoinAverage Not surprising; @rogerkver sure has taken the “Bitcoin Jesus” moniker to heart.
@anonymouscoin “Crime prevention specialist” - oh, that is rich. LEOs are crime historians (and sometimes criminals) not crime preventers.
@karaokeyoga @RimbitCom Yes, it was the beginning of my suspicions, but the code never lies ;-)
@mikestable @Magnus919 @pmccall777 @TylersDurham No, property is the most fundamental of rights. But perhaps @ATCDurham should change names.
@pmccall777 @Magnus919 It was ATC that forced Tyler’s to ban it, according to the waitresses. They thought it was stupid as well.
@RimbitCom Innovate or you are doomed to failure. You are currently offering nothing of substance in the crypto world.
.@RimbitCom I wasted 10 min of my life auditing your repository (“git diff c7543bd” suffices) - you simply forked NVC & tweaked parameters.
@RimbitCom I’m an engineer. Provide me with technical specifications that show your crypto has merit. Not marketing fluff.
@Magnus919 @TylersDurham @ATCDurham Is this the definition of irony? American TOBACCO Campus, have you no respect for history?