Today’s “super long” 96 minute block collected 1.1 BTC in transaction fees, slightly more than double nearby blocks.
Bitcoin never sleeps. $GBTC sleeps over two thirds of its life away. Must be agonizing for pure cryptocurrency traders.
Makes you wonder if popularity contests are a poor consensus algorithm for handing someone nuclear launch codes.
@talgya @rextar4444 @kyletorpey Mostly. Could be better.
@rextar4444 @kyletorpey Sounds like you are suggesting blacklists, which would kill bitcoin’s fungibility. Never going to happen.
@realytcracker Nerd? 😆
@flyosity ha I just saw one IRL. She couldn’t even use a matching font for her first name…
@minajati @TuurDemeester close, but I was hoping for a percentage premium. Also, isn’t GBTC == 0.09 BTC supposedly?
@TuurDemeester Anywhere I can bookmark a chart that shows GBTC premium over BTC?
@fluffyponyza @kristovatlas That certainly raised red flags, but it sounds like the blockchain evidence is what sealed their fates.
@drwasho can you confirm that this is how you go fishing in Australia?
If you perpetrate a huge bitcoin heist, smart thing to do is sit on the coins & wait for better privacy features.
oocBlog #Bitcoin network #statistics “Empty” blocks down 80% since
Jan. Pools listening to miners or better pool software?
Today’s project: achieve 99% compression on 100 pages of technical whitepapers while downsampling them into high school level English.
@NTmoney The problem is that no one has made a Blockchain-Bitcoin market, so we don’t know the exchange rage of BKCN-BTC.
@Snowden 2017: President Trump authorizes a covert op into Russian territory to execute the “traitor,” but it goes awry and sparks WWIII.
@twitter if you could go ahead and add @openbazaar links to your automatic link shortener, that would be great… ob://{hash}/listing/{hash}
“Bitcoin Life” - nailed it. ob://b5e59c04724b6e82419b454b78a62ea37bb247dd
I don’t need one, but I want to need one. ob://49a6fe203de9b43bb7db3e79cf1f3e7213d00be7
@PexPeppers Cool to see where those delicious sauces and jams come from!
Adjusting for coins in circulation, the all time high price for Bitcoin is $697.19 .
“We know your dark secrets - we know everything.” - @reddit CEO Steve Huffman
Traders have been becoming bullish ever since the all time high years ago, according to /r/bitcoinmarkets flair.
Are there any academic papers that compare PoW / PoS / DPoS / Casper other than Poelstra’s?
This looks like another epic puzzle adventure from @coin_artist. Follow the…
@realytcracker They can’t buy mine! HODL!
coin_artist You discover a magic portal. Only the worthy may proceed. A quest for #bitcoin treasure.
@TuurDemeester Smugglers will go “Johnny Mnemonic” and smuggle bitcoin wallet seeds across borders in their head.
Bolivar down to $0.001
Bitcoin up to $500
DShankar @levynews @pmarca it’s faster to go to the Moon than to transfer money between banks. It took just 3 days for the Apollo program.
.@kncminer files for bankruptcy, cites upcoming halving & stagnant exchange rate as factors.
@khannib They could also be headed to exchanges :-P
@WhalePanda Looks like ~60 blocks in 12 hours; avg time of 11.7 min. I think @khannib’s point about UTXO consolidation is more significant.
Seems like price volatility correlates w/txn backlog spikes these days, suggesting a lot of activity is speculative.
RT @brucefenton: Twitter and Reddit are in a self referencing cycle - we call this the Jameson Loop
@ryaneshea It was not the takeover I had planned, but it seems fitting. Keep Bitcoin weird!
Found several gems in the Bitcoin Core Zurich meeting notes:
Apparently /r/bitcoin is becoming a self referencing Twitter aggregator…
@bitstein @pierre_rochard @kurteichenwald That’s tough; I went with $147 because it was the highest price listed in the article.
#ThrowbackThursday: @kurteichenwald warns readers not to buy BTC @ ridiculous price of $147.
@AustenAllred I’m on a dozen teams and Slack sometimes eats up 4 GB of RAM. It dedicates 200MB to cache media content on each channel!
More evidence that supports Morris’ 3 golden rules of computer security.
Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 151: Peer-to-Peer Communication Encryption by @_jonasschnelli_
As technological innovation continues to accelerate, bureaucracy crushes government under its own weight.
RT @21: A fun tutorial on how to sell sensor data for bitcoin.
@flyosity I’m pretty sure that @rusty_twit practices FIXME driven development
@LeviNotik @AustenAllred It could be worse. You could get denied health care because undefined is not a function.
@LilButerin @MrChrisEllis @LiskHQ @VitalikButerin Don’t judge a person by the State under which they were born. Don’t be statist!
RT @josephfcox: Breaking: judge throws out all evidence in child porn case after FBI refuses to hand over its Tor Browser exploit https://t…
@NewbergNate Arbitration
.@bitsquare_ has native @torproject support & didn’t ask for my social security number or other PII. Looking good!
@yrashk Indeed, though if your APR is likely going to rise, that’s also worth considering. I always chose investing instead of overpaying…
@yrashk Depends upon your interest rate vs expected ROI :-)
RT @TwitterEng: Open sourcing Twitter Heron, our real-time stream processing engine
@SwiftOnSecurity Well in that case you’re probably looking for the hydro and geothermal power miners in China, Washington State, & Sweden!
@kristovatlas So you’re saying we need a DAO to manage funding multiple scaling attempts?
@flyosity So? Once Hillary’s president she’ll just squash the investigation!
@mikestable @DurhamCounty Dog poop is one of the most commonly cited complaints at my HOA meetings. Good luck solving that one.
masonic_tweets Cross-contract compatibility with wallets going to be an issue in Ethereum moving forward. Coordination issues surfacing on
@bitstein @kristovatlas Depends upon what you want Ethereum to be :-P
@kristovatlas Sure, but in general it seems much easier for Ethereum to commit to major changes…
What can Bitcoin do that Ethereum can’t? Well, last I checked, there aren’t any darknet markets accepting ether… #KillerApp
@realytcracker @MartinaMargiela Are you up to the challenge of rhyming Ethereum? Perhaps @LilButerin can collab…
There is no such thing as a “Bitcoin Expert”
@masonic_tweets Just you wait; the DAO is going to fund projects to fix them!
@cypherdoc2 No usability issues since it’s rather simple; I’m not qualified to evaluate the crypto itself.
In my experience Ethereum makes it easier to build DApps. However, building infrastructure is harder because the libraries are immature.
@flyosity Yeah, replace the La Croix with ice cream. Insta-win.
@flyosity You need something to thicken that up!
When you realize Half-Life 2: Episode 3 was announced 10 years ago…
@heunland @storjproject It’s a Yogi Berra quote ;-)
Nobody goes to the @storjproject @SlackHQ any more. It’s too crowded. 😠/
@mikeinspace @3rdKeySolutions IDK, seems to be here now:
DAMN: Decentralized Arbitration and Mediation Network. A research proposal from @3rdKeySolutions
@flyosity The wording is confusing. It sounds like they mean that you have to specifically RT your reply in order for everyone to see it.
@wirelesswebsol @github The Heat Death of the Universe solves everybody’s problems.
There’s a special kind of despair that you get by receiving updates to a @github issue you commented on 2 years ago that’s going nowhere.
@gigq Sounds like the new hardware will still be profitable at 12.5 BTC / block
@JasonCoombsCEO Mainly because I wanted the tweet to contain “Dow” and “DAO” :-)
@JasonCoombsCEO I see what you’re saying. I can’t help but think of the saying “I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you.”
A Treasury inspector report showed over 10% of rehired IRS employees had prior performance or conduct issues.
@JasonCoombsCEO My point: I can buy as much of any stock as I want without actually knowing anything about it; this risk is mine to take.
@JasonCoombsCEO @NASDAQ / @DowJones / etc - all have high risk investment options and none ensure investor literacy…
RT @aantonop: I believe this is called a “Mexican Standoff”. No segwit no HF. No HF, no segwit. Compromise time.
Why should regulators “protect” us from investing in @The_DAO_Project when they don’t stop us from putting 100% into @DowJones penny stocks?
RT @ChristopherA: A very important milestone! New Vermont law legalizing Blockchain records! at around page 307 § 1…
Bitcoin continues to die in an upward direction, becoming ~30% stronger in terms of computational security last week
@kyletorpey @barrysilbert If they aren’t anonymous? ;-)
@socrates1024 I was just wondering about this last night! Will be very interesting to observe ethereum’s gas market.
@barrysilbert What could they possibly do about it?
RT @secparam: Of course it’s a Portland strip club that gives you a real life example of why fungibility for currency matters.…
Suitpossum The Cold War on Cash going pretty strong in Amsterdam. I’ll have to ask the banks’ permission to pay for my coffee
“America has huge trade deficits because other countries are ripping us off.” - @realDonaldTrump
@rubensayshi @LightningNtwrk Perhaps initially as usage is ramping up, but if it becomes popular then we could see demand surge.
Sovereign companies protect their money from being stolen by govt; this trend will continue.
@Cryptogeek_BTC @kristovatlas @LightningNtwrk Look up the address on @oxt_btc to see if it’s connected to any known entities.
4) This assumes that @LightningNtwrk facilitates txn demand growing past the current supply imposed by max block size. I expect it will.
3) As such, users will flee wallets that don’t hav@LightningNtwrkrk support because they’ll be relatively expensive to use.
2) Reasoning: if a user can make 10 txns on @LightningNtwrk w/2 on-chain txns, it makes sense to pay up to ~5X the standard on-chain fee.
1) If @LightningNtwrk meets optimistic projections it may accelerate rise in on-chain txn fees & spur a race among wallets to implement it.
@mryanbrown @socrates1024 @phonikg It can’t be that bad - there are so many of them! 😠
@ollekullberg @twitter Unfortunately my articles tend to end up over 10 pages, so I can’t write that many of them…
“Have fun trying to write 140 character statements that aren’t open to misinterpretation!” - @twitter
@kristovatlas @oxt_btc Consider switching to satoshis / byte for readability?
oxt_btc Do you pay too much for your small transactions ? #StaticFee #Bitcoin
@TuurDemeester Folks flee safety of BTC for wild west ETH frontier!
We’ll know fee rate calculations are fixed when bytes chart spikes don’t correspond to fee / byte chart crevasses:
If @projectfi would just adapt @gmail’s spam filter into its voicemail system, it would be a real time saver. I’ll happily report VM spam…
If you liked it then you shoulda put an alert on it.
@kristovatlas Or spell checking in general? Seems like I make a lot of PRs just to fix spelling mistakes…
@acityinohio For those special occasions when you’re counting atoms or extrapolating a series until the heat death of the universe.
Fun fact: Ethereum Virtual Machine uses 256bit integers & requires 256bit arithmetic. Most CPUs are <= 64 bits.
@kristovatlas I’m thinking if users want the freedom to make dangerous decisions, they should have to acknowledge that they do so knowingly.
@kristovatlas Yeah, there was one who set the fee to 0 long ago and then forgot about it. I think extra safeguards when sending could help.
Wallets should check their default settings. @ElectrumWallet has supported dynamic fees for 9 months - why isn’t it enabled by default?!?
I recommend wallets stop allowing users to shoot themselves in the foot by overriding recommended fees and spending unconfirmed outputs.
More poor UX:
Recent poor UX (fees):
@AustenAllred I think the more important question is: will he be the LAST president?
Wei Dai on cryptocurrency patents:
@kristovatlas @BitcoinBelle @VitalikButerin I’m proud to say that I’m banned from /r/buttcoin
Academics announce theoretical RNG breakthrough. Sounds simpler than a wall of lava lamps… /cc @matthew_d_green
@polemitis There’s always plenty of that science to do; just ask @realytcracker
If you find yourself performing low level bit manipulation outside of a classroom, you’re doing something really awesome or really terrible.
@el33th4xor @Singularitybook Nope; I had never heard of such optimizations before.
@el33th4xor @Singularitybook If there is evidence of prior art, then it’s not an original idea that’s patentable.
@Singularitybook @el33th4xor Sounds to me like there’s ample evidence to show that the patent shouldn’t be granted.
oxt_btc Sadly, fees aren’t the only thing which has increased lately #AddressReuse #2016S1 #Bitcoin #Privacy
@1cyrilblanc1 @BronxR Information wants to be free; patents slow down innovation and are becoming increasingly irrelevant in the info age.
@andzsy This is one scenario I fear; it could be a huge resource drain.
@jgarzik I guess you could say that they hotwired the wallet! *rimshot*
@ThePiachu Then Core should come up with a statement that they only intend to block patented improvements, not all optimizations.
RT @jgarzik: #TheDAO: How To Not F*** It Up #ethereum #blockchain #DAO
RT @zooko: New alpha release of Zcash is out! Roadmap leading to Zcash Sprout launch:
@petertoddbtc No idea; maybe the server double counted your original post that was quoted under my reply…
Announcing the launch of @BitCoin_IRA with Chief Strategist @EdmundCMoy. Platform powered by @BitGo!
@petertoddbtc Apparently I should have paid a higher hashcash fee when posting my reply.
MintPressNews Could Technology Behind Bitcoin [Blockchain] Revolutionize Data Privacy?: via @YouTube
RT @petertoddbtc: “Making UTXO Set Growth Irrelevant With Low-Latency Delayed TXO Commitments”
Featuring 4 pages of ASCII art trees.
Driving a startup:
Attention developers: if you respond to bug reports with “user didn’t RTFM” then you are saying “I write user-unfriendly software.”
@a3456gf @ElectrumWallet I don’t recall anyone claiming that dynamic fees enable more transaction throughput…
@ElectrumWallet It looks like you’ve supported dynamic fees for 9 months; why not enable them by default?
We knew it would happen eventually; @BitGo will no longer countersign txs that spend (external) unconfirmed outputs.
@naval *as soon as the prerequisite features are deployed & activated in the base protocol
Thunder Network already has a GUI and it’s Java based so it should easily run on any OS!
TechCrunch Blockchain open sources Thunder network, paving the way for instant bitcoin transactions by @romaindillet
Looks like the 800 Classic nodes being run in the cloud by one user just ran out of funding.
@kristovatlas I have spotted some beard oil on @openbazaar - might make it my next purchase!
NinjaEconomics The average cost for new-home builders to comply with regulations has increased by nearly 30% over the last 5 years.
Her: “Hey, what do you call a baby goat?”
Me: “I believe they’re called ‘kids’”
Her: “Oh. Well, in that case, kids are delicious.”
Great discussion between highly experienced tech investors regarding their thoughts on The DAO
RT @Phil_Mattingly: Libyan central bankers can’t access $184 million in coins b/c they don’t have the 5-digit safe access code. https://t.c…
RT @BanksterNews: The revenue earned by banks for processing payments was $1.7 trillion in 2014
@shawnleary @WayneVaughan @brucefenton @The_DAO_Project @aantonop I doubt DAO can; may need to leverage ability to cater underserved markets
There are many reasons The DAO may fail. But it may become the first publicly traded private equity fund suitable for Sovereign Individuals.
@kristovatlas @kyletorpey @robustus *of cryptocurrency nerds. TO THE MOON!
@TuurDemeester … that uses single signature hot wallets ;-)
@WayneVaughan @brucefenton @The_DAO_Project I think it would have to be limited to consulting since there’s no way they could have any power
@WayneVaughan @brucefenton I see no reason why The DAO couldn’t hire experienced VCs to act as consultants… 🤒
@NTmoney @kristovatlas Right, and it remains to be seen how well it holds up to an adversarial environment.
@josephjpeters @NTmoney @kristovatlas Stay tuned for my next Coindesk article ;-)
@NTmoney @kristovatlas I, for one, am naturally quite cautious after seeing so many people lose money over the years. This is moving fast…
@jgarzik Submit a proposal to The DAO to fund knowledgeable press coverage for itself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@kristovatlas It’s a way that Ethereum holders can put their ether to use in the hope of creating more value.
@el33th4xor It’s a crowdfunding crowdfund.
Flawless first @openbazaar purchase.
@balajis @cdixon @pmarca @naval @barrysilbert Do you have an opinion about The DAO?
@simondlr @CryptoScalper Looks like the text on the creation page needs updating as well - it doesn’t match the graph…
@CryptoScalper Seems highly unlikely to me that contract authors knew real price change date yet didn’t correct the countdown timer authors.
@CryptoScalper That too, but the logic in the code is nonsensible - the first day of the price increase code block is an increase of 0.
@CryptoScalper It’s an off-by-one bug; quite common in programming. Intention was to increase price by 5% w/14 days left, but got 0% instead
The DAO is about to surpass $100M invested and the first bug has already been hit.
@kevintsang22 Not sure if there are any more; perhaps @PindarWong or @neha knows…
The @TSA got a kick out of my @ScalingBitcoin shirt; apparently their motto is “Trust, but verify.” ðŸ
@VitalikButerin Do you recommend that devs store hex data with a 0x prefix when building Ethereum REST APIs? Should it only be a UI feature?
@AriannaSimpson When will we learn more about your Tesla autopilot wreck?
The DAO:
Bug fix history:
Code review:
Is it bug free? You tell me.
@valerian253 Yeah, I just hope it doesn’t end with a spectacular explosion.
“You [DAO investors] have been warned.” Oh boy.
@JohnMardlin Point being, if it becomes a standard then all Ethereum blockchain derivations would use the 0x prefix, diluting the brand.
@JohnMardlin If it was a native prefix (like bitcoin address prefixes IDing P2PKH & P2SH) I’d agree. But this is a generic hex prefix…
At last, an explanation for @NickSzabo4’s Twitter hiatus.
In my view, the “0x” prefix on ethereum IDs doesn’t add much value and it poses additional complexity to devs b/c it’s not in the raw data.
Had a fierce debate about the “0x” prefix on Ethereum hex data.
Even block explorers differ:
@cguida6 It’s a poor argument to begin with; it’s more of a free speech than a weapon issue.
@stephantual At what point do you start to get concerned?
New stats dashboard available for bitcoin node operators:
#ThrowbackThursday to my first tweet about Bitcoin. T minus 2 months ‘til next halving.
2013: clueless coders create cryptocoins
2016: clueless Fortune 500 companies create blockchains
History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.
The right to bear crypto is a fundamental human right to privacy; it need not be bestowed upon us by governments.
Bitcoin maximalists will appreciate Ethereum block 18: