The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 2021

@CaitlinLong_ @packet_hello @woonomic @PrestonPysh @SovrynBTC I myself use collateralized loans to defer having to…

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@CaitlinLong_ @packet_hello @woonomic @PrestonPysh @SovrynBTC Probably - you just have to identify what the risks a…

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That magical moment when you find something you never knew you had always wanted.

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Social engineering attacks will continue to become more and more sophisticated if a single success can net OVER 10…

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@edzitron @NeerajKA because we’re already living in a futuristic dystopia

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@Brandon8ball97 The whitepaper is not a complete description of the system, only the code can be thought of as such.

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Every Bitcoiner should read the whitepaper. I also think that once you’re deep enough down the rabbit hole you shou…

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@piramida It kind of sounds like that, but it’s a nonsensical claim because there’s no gatekeeping to prevent plebs…

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@CaitlinLong_ @woonomic @PrestonPysh Isn’t it fair to say that those tradfi games only affect tradfi players?


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@TeoOkinawan605s I consider it an academic attack. Miners know that if they’re caught doing that, it would erode co…

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Sorry to burst your Super Bubble but there are no bailouts in Bitcoin. Folks flock to BTC because it’s the best opt…

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Bitcoin’s White Paper was just a starting point; it is by no means a complete description of the system. In fact, i…

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@JeremyRubin Not only unsearchable but my DM history seems to get lost on a regular basis…

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@alexbosworth Is this similar to zero knowledge contingent payments?

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@DavidZell_ @BitcoinMagazine @fight4bitcoin Please don’t build the NRA of Bitcoin

Please build the GOA of Bitcoin

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@brucefenton that’s pretty cool i’ve never seen someone train their dog to recycle before

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CasaHODL What is the biggest threat to your ?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:45 PM, Oct 30th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

RT @badcryptobitch: Got so much work to do that I need a PM for @hashcloak now.

It would be a part-time engagement and you can start immed…

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Hodling bitcoin is an extreme version of the marshmallow test that never ends.

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@cmsholdings Not after they get disowned due to their foolishness!

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It’s very important that we make it as easy as possible for haters to short bitcoin. They’ve complained for a decad…

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The hardest question I get is when people ask how they should contribute to Bitcoin’s success.

I can’t tell you wh…

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@masonic_tweets I’d gladly pay you a dog token on Tuesday for a hamburger today

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As long as the definition of “fully vaccinated” doesn’t include “producing antibodies due to natural immunity” then…

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A metaverse owned by Facebook (or any company) will be a dystopian cyberhellscape.

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@LarryRuane Looks like you’re already on the list

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NGMI due to believing propaganda from central bank shills.

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@brucefenton Turns out the trick to retaining wealth is to not spend it.

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I only have 170 people on this list; feels low. Who’s missing?

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I will not attend any conference that requires the disclosure of personal medical information.

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Don’t waste your time arguing with folks who live in a reality that does not intersect with your own.

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@BryceWeiner I guess your warped sense of reality is a coping mechanism for dealing with your failed shitcoins.

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@NeerajKA like a random 10 year old sidling up and calling you a poopyhead

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when they say bitcoin is 100% speculation

you say fiat is 100% speculation

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oh noes are millenials not cool any more

guess it’s time to retire ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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@ecurrencyhodler ma always said I’d go blind by 30 from staring at screens all day

ma was wrong; still 20/20

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Drop the “ta”
Just call it “Me”
It’s cleaner.

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Everything you need is at
Choose wisely…

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DanDarkPill Before Tungsten - After Tungsten

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:44 AM, Oct 28th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

@DanDarkPill this is a pleasing multilayered subtweet, wen NFT

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@emilepetrone @muneeb I’m sure folks are doing this, though more likely in order to spot buggy contracts they can e…

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@MidwestTungsten Product request:

3 tungsten cubes
connected via tungsten chain
see my profile banner for inspiration

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Some rando: “Bitcoin is useless for anything other than speculation!”

Me 10 years ago: <essay on how it’s revoluti…

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Regulators don’t have to do jack, you fools. Miners don’t need to be threatened to use renewable energy - economics…

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@Scaramucci Computer network protocols have no concept of human morality.

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@matthew_d_green barely have time to speak on them much less listen

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Crypto miners in Abkhazia shot at people who were attempting to steal their equipment and killed one of the attacke…

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@theinstagibbs @murchandamus Yeah you can see here that Earn ( fee estimates have been stuc…

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A 19 year old French computer engineering student was stabbed to death by 3 people (including his lover) who were t…

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@tobysharp @shamoons For those who are crowdfunded, probably not great. Best bet is to get a single grant from an organization.

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A common technique of scammers is to use overcomplicated jargon to confuse you into thinking they’re an authority f…

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@brucefenton can u explain how to be a vibe capitalist

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Don’t dare dive down rabbit holes if you fear being alone in the dark.

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@Melt_Dem them’s whar i park mah ponies

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@ITE_kar @jack Fidelity has a decent group - FCAT.

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RT @CasaHODL: ⚠️ TOMORROW at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST:

🛠️ How to build products people love, with privacy-focused principles 🕵️‍♀️

Ft. @da…

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What if I told you that money is a product.

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@muneeb Motion to migrate lingo from “bitcoin maxi” to “bitcoin fundi” because it sounds cuter.

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@2abuYounes @thebitcoinrabbi The trick is to find tax-deductible eligible charities that accept bitcoin directly. B…

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@thebitcoinrabbi I’d sooner send every sat to charitable orgs before I hand any over to the IRS to fund the militar…

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@WayneVaughan I like github’s automatic monthly recurring donations though that’s mostly for individual devs and a…

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@btcbabey @benthecarman @CasaHODL I suggest reading the Sovereign Recovery email that gets sent to you once you fin…

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@The_Laureate_ @notgrubles @BitcoinMagazine I don’t trust politicians, I prefer to verify they have skin in the gam…

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@BitcoinMagazine is this an announcement of an announcement of an announcement

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@AdamasNemesis @drinkhoplark Tastes like coffee; I prefer my coffee in the morning.

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@IdentifyAsJPG @danheld @BitcoinMagazine I reported the bug to Jack over a year ago; it’s annoying!

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@danheld @BitcoinMagazine I know Twitter done fucked up and switched me back to “top tweets” when I start seeing yo…

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yes i spend a ton of time on twitter but it’s only 1 of my 5 screens don’t judge

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@BookofNick Meanwhile, a few quiet types will be secretly armoring up their killdozers.

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@notgrubles @BitcoinMagazine Sure, then he’s in violation of federal ethics laws 🤷‍♂️

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Me: “I want an energy drink that doesn’t taste like candy. And it needs to be 0 calories and 0 carbs, but none of t…

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@brenorb We’ve got 85 years to figure out how! But on a serious note I think scheduling a noncontroversial hard for…

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@Mandrik i figured your unit of account was baklava

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Bitcoin Core will never have a 1.0 release.

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@page88 @EricColumbus You must be new here if you think Jack has any power over Bitcoin.

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RT @CasaHODL: ⚠️ TOMORROW at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST:

🛠️ How to build products people love, with privacy-focused principles 🕵️‍♀️

Ft. @da…

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@BitfuryGeorge Doesn’t feel like 2017 to me.
Mempool is empty.
Not seeing any stats that indicate retail FOMO.

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@nic__carter Bitcoiners cause inflation.
Bitcoiners must be hunted down and silenced!

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@satsie @page88 @jack This burn is gonna last all week.

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Capital gains tax is a punishment for success. And you can bet your life that those in power want to punish us.

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RT @Trezor: This Wednesday, join our talk with @lopp about OpSec, securing #Bitcoin, recognizing and avoiding scams, and more.

Set the rem…

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@jkubes652 I’m ribbing him for still using fiat as his unit of account.

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@OfThings7 TBF $GBTC started off way down (vs NAV)

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Latest reports say that Baldwin wasn’t even supposed to be firing the weapon at the time it discharged - he was sim…

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@brucefenton millibits failed, IMO our best chance is to go straight to sats

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@brucefenton Aha; I’ve never tikked nor tokked. I hope you’ve learned your lesson!

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@Via_Osmosis Not sure if English is your native language, but “fluid values” implies that “maximalists” flip flop o…

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@brucefenton I’m confused, I can still see the video…

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“I can’t believe you said _____, I thought maxis don’t believe that!”

The maximalism moniker is mostly meaningless…

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Sorry China, after years of fucking with Bitcoiners nobody’s going to trust you. You reap what you sow.

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@nvk Boomers better get in b4 the stock split!

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@Via_Osmosis @jettrain14 I decided it would be less interesting to chastise him for poor opsec.

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Owning a billion bucks of bitcoin isn’t bragworthy.

Owning 0.1% of the entire money supply, on the other hand…

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@twobitidiot But Craig’s not American  😇

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@steve_hanke Have fun staying pedantic and racking up Ls.

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Doubleplus ungood newspeak from the Ministry of Truth

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live by the meme
die by the memelord

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Why am I paying a higher hourly rate for a guy to move rocks around than I’m paying my attorneys to write and revie…

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Awwwwyeah limited edition @drinkhoplark help me bust through this writer’s block.

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Just realized @DudesPostingWs could pivot to dudes posting their (tungsten) cubes and still be technically correct.

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Sorry, I didn’t know I’m not allowed to talk about Subject Y because you only follow me for Subject X.

Please file…

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Inflation is completely under /their/ control.

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Don’t trust, verify. Why?
* humans make mistakes
* some folks are malicious
* an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

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@yog_urt Everyone in the chain of trust is at fault given that they could have prevented a tragedy with one simple check.

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Alec Baldwin killed his colleague because he trusted the assistant director, who in turn trusted the armorer.


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Over half of failed fiat currencies died due to either hyperinflation or war.

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@CalvinAyre @_jonasschnelli_ This is rich coming from a guy who spent years on ICE’s list of most wanted fugitives.

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@ZubyMusic In my experience a lot of ex military folks are oddly libertarian… 😏

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Liberty is the natural condition of the people. Servitude, however, is fostered when people are raised in subjectio…

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RT @CasaHODL: 🧠 Have you memorized your seed phrase yet?

🤯 We hope not.

Take a look at our latest article for insight on why the ol’ Bra…

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The scariest jack-o’-lanterns ever created.

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@_jonasschnelli_ @sthenc @shawnyeager Create fresh protonmail address, use it to create a github account, create a…

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RT @CoinDesk: SCOOP: @walmart is letting shoppers buy #bitcoin at dozens of its U.S. locations via @coinstar kiosks.

We checked. In perso…

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RT @_jonasschnelli_: Dear Bitcoiners

I decided to step down as Bitcoin Core maintainer and contributor.

The last years where amazing and…

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turns out worldcoin has been running since 2013

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Scammers don’t appreciate being called out; it’s bad for their business.

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This podcast with @cmuratori is great content for technically-minded Bitcoin skeptics. We discuss a variety of fund…

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lopp My Bitcoin exit strategy is death.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:37 PM, Oct 20th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

Good writeup on the web of accounts and tactics used by the scammer who until recently was going by @CryptoWhale.

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twobitidiot Top 10 baby.

Magic internet money is magic.

(ht @lopp for the chart)

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At the rate US mining is taking off it won’t be long before I have to copypasta my “Why China Doesn’t Control Bitco…

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at this rate only bitcoiners will be able to afford beef

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lopp Folks watching Bitcoin approaching ATH

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gm haters, bears, buttcoiners, & FUDsters

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@twobitidiot @rohangrey Here’s to hoping for more Palmer-esque meltdowns.

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RT @_CryptoCurator: Well folks, I have completed Phase 1 check out out! I will expand this spreadsheet and will keep it updated throughout…

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$BITO is closed for trading for the day; looks like it will rank #2 in terms of opening day volume for an ETF at ar…

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What are the best (reputable) bitcoin escrow services for large transactions such as real estate purchases? Please…

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$BITO is currently at #3 in terms of all-time ETF opening day volume

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Folks watching Bitcoin approaching ATH

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gm wall street

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$BTFD going live soon, next we need $WGMI & $HFSP BTC ETFs.

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RT @zerohedge: The American Dream Is Dead And Bitcoin Has Replaced It

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ForbesCrypto How the rich store their bitcoin: by @lopp

via Sprinklr (retweeted on 4:32 PM, Oct 18th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

@TwitterSupport please make tweet previews more predictable when I’m embedding both a link and a tweet URL into a t…

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Parents, please educate your kids about the cardinal rule of Bitcoin. H/T @Mitantar

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Schrödinger’s trillionaire: it’s plausible that in the coming years the world’s first trillionaire will be Satoshi…

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@in2the7thmatrix @murchandamus Not necessarily. You can’t know if a double spend transaction may have been sent to mining pools out of band.

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@RaoulGMI Tip: don’t fight the tide of memes, they’re outside of your control.

Just chill and go with the flow.

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@RichArschmann As mentioned in my article, this type of setup reduces risk of a single catastrophic wiping out all…

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@whaleryda If it’s a single signature wallet and the keys are all on an internet connected device then you shouldn’…

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@douchante Only you can answer such a question. IMO the risk of 100% loss for 5% gain means you should be conservat…

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@SheBytesBlog @imobbcs I’ve been building multisig wallets for 7 years, so I guess you could say I think they are a good idea.

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@lowek @aWiIdPsyduck Better than not having a hardware wallet, just not my favorite these days.

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@imobbcs Yeah this is a really complex topic and in our experience everyone’s situation is different - customizatio…

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@aWiIdPsyduck Coldcard, Foundation, Keystone are all great and support recent standards that make signing simpler.

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Some thoughts on Bitcoin security for high net worth individuals.

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@NoBoxCanHoldMe Yes, the calls were placed through burner voip accounts.

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@drinkhoplark Only tried the Really Hoppy One thus far, very sad I missed out on the Really Really Hoppy One. Will…

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@TacksetRacing It’s a potentially deadly situation. Several swatting victims have been killed by police over the pa…

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If you’re a keto dieter who misses drinking IPAs, check out @drinkhoplark’s hopped tea.

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RT @CoinsureNZ: My first long form article “The Bitcoin Rorchach Test” is now up on @BitcoinMagazine

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑