@coinbase It looks like your block explorer thinks it got stuck on an orphan chain, but those blocks aren’t. coinbase.com/network/blocks
Verification that @ChangeTip’s assets exceed their stated liabilities: https://t.co/2jdU2IBeiK
coinbase We’re seeing about a 300% increase in bitcoin buys across all Europe in past few weeks (not much from Greece though, they aren’t able to)
@mikestable If I want to earn miles, I just hop on my trusty steel steed. I’ve earned 50,000 already! I cash them in for great stories.
Facebook P2P Payments: a service that allows Americans with debit cards to send money via intermediaries with a 3 business day lag time.
ryanxcharles How @lopp comes to the @BitGo office. pic.twitter.com/4GSrQUSMlO
bendavenport Verified by @BitGo #vbb provides multi-sig proof of assets and SaaS version of Greg Maxwell’s liability Hash trees (thanks to @o_lalonde)
@barrysilbert @blockchain It’s a stress test. Note how the amount of BTC being sent did not simultaneously spike. https://t.co/y4QDDzKpMa
RT @AugurProject: Augur Blog: Thoughts on Event Consensus - http://t.co/7Nc0hKT2Gs #Bitcoin #Ethereum
Announcing Launch of Solvency Proofs Verified by @BitGo https://t.co/tUYKFZHVX3
@epaga @twobitidiot Sorry, but I have yet to see any raw numbers. Percentage increases could mean the users went from 10 to 20.
@twobitidiot Um, change your mind already? https://t.co/RQQ6LrKxNH
Buttcoiners hate us ‘cuz they anus.
@orderofstuff What’s the deal with Amagi these days?
@oznathan @Generalstuff101 I hope so; I’m just pushing back against journalism like this: http://t.co/q95gZS3Y5L
The first Triangle Bitcoin and Business meetup is tomorrow; I’m looking forward to having some great discussions! http://t.co/qKBNVHUrrn
@adrjeffries @twobitidiot But really, we don’t even know what Bitcoin will look like in 10 years, much less 100 years.
@adrjeffries @twobitidiot I speculate that if Bitcoin still exists in a hundred years, transaction fees will dwarf the block rewards.
A) Bitcoin has sustained itself for 6 years on ‘wasted’ electricity.
B) Bitcoin’s primary goal is not efficiency.
@el33th4xor Shoulda bought litecoins http://t.co/2CbK0Lmexk
@adrjeffries @twobitidiot Yes, I’ve clarified in the comments on the article.
@adrjeffries @twobitidiot “to launch a 34 percent or 51 percent attack [where an attacker can alter transactions as they please]” *facepalm*
@adrjeffries @twobitidiot “Bitcoin mining is guaranteed to stop after 21M coins have been mined, lowering electricity usage.” *facepalm*
@ka_brok @aantonop I think Greece is reminding many Bitcoin users of Bitcoin’s strengths, thus they’re buying more.
@Generalstuff101 It’s fine with me; I don’t think Bitcoin is ready for mass adoption yet due to scalability issues.
@Generalstuff101 Completely agree, which is why I’m glad to be working for @BitGo, tackling those very problems.
Still waiting for CoinWallet.eu to make good on their promise for another stress test… https://t.co/bCndmR6kUe https://t.co/y4QDDzKpMa
IMO recent rise in BTC exchange rate is more likely to be due to increased demand from current Bitcoin users rather than new Greek users.
Humans can only comprehend change at rates up to the maximum that they have previously experienced.
The day you stop learning is the day the rest of the world moves on without you.
@Beautyon_ @pierebel It’s only a matter of time before we see best practices emerge for running blockchain services. https://t.co/1KroRGi3Vm
@Beautyon_ @pierebel I find it more likely that bootstrapped companies w/limited funds will use third party APIs as a starting point.
@Beautyon_ @pierebel If @BitGo decided to cease responding to commands, you can route around us and move your coins to a different service.
@Beautyon_ @pierebel And of course, there’s also the limited-trust model we use at @BitGo. We could lie about balances, but not steal coins.
@Beautyon_ @pierebel For an individual, SPV w/o a trusted node will probably provide sufficient security. Enterprises should run full nodes.
@Beautyon_ @mzdr0 SPV is the answer for people who don’t want to run a full node and don’t want to trust a third party.
@twobitidiot Depends upon the security / anonymity of the process you use to hop chains, but yes :-)
When you have to ask permission to access your money, it isn’t actually your money. This holds true for both cryptocurrency and fiat.
Looks like I found a presentation by @TheBlueMatt that no one has seen! “Securing Data on Compromised Hardware” https://t.co/7avHAC5tvi
Great talk on privacy & 4th amendment issues that arise from location tracking + machine learning by @SteveBellovin: https://t.co/UnFThJfH0Z
@SteveBellovin Poor guy seems to have changed his mind.
@btaylor @2drewlee True equality would mean that any consenting adults could get married. Last I checked, polygamous marriage still banned.
@btaylor @2drewlee True liberty would mean not needing permission from the government to enter into a voluntary contract.
RT @AsylumSeven: @realytcracker verse on this track is awesome. Great lyricist. It’s less than 2min but I keep repeating it. https://t.co/n…
With the US Government finally allowing gay couples to marry, this is your reminder that it still bans polygamous couples from marrying.
@gene_r_smith Thanks! Was thinking about your question; seems like it might require a zero knowledge system, though it’s a bit beyond me.
@mikestable @ddahlke You can literally watch ice melting live right now on @WRAL http://t.co/yJSmPnsP5E
@torkelo Gotcha; yeah I just needed to be more explicit about which types of files I set the expires headers on. Thanks!
@torkelo If I set Apache expires headers on Grafana content, it breaks the lefthand nav login/logout functionality. Any idea why?
@muneeb Is it completely infeasible to merge in all of the upstream changes? Seems like it might be worth your time…
@muneeb Thanks for the shout-out; I didn’t know namecoind is so unreliable! What is the most common reason for it crashing?
@ziggamon @aantonop Based upon the definitions of “promise” and “contract,” they do not require the statement / terms to be breakable.
@ziggamon @aantonop Look at payment channels, for example. Terms are set at opening of channel in such a way that a party can’t steal BTC.
@ziggamon @aantonop I understand this as “irrevocable promise” == “unbreakable contract” in that the terms are executed automatically.
muneeb Onename API is now live! Enables developers to easily use decentralized identity in apps — blog.onename.com/onename-api/ pic.twitter.com/MYD5jOAhUG
@alansilbert @ustwogames Wow, 240MB download. Worth it!
I’m pleased to announce the ability to create individual user accounts on https://t.co/HN6b9OKPvS https://t.co/zR6bReqR7G
@torkelo Hey, can you kick off another nightly build?
@danielcawrey Buttcoiners, paid shills, and Reddit mob mentality.
@ryanxcharles @balajis I just need to propose that we accept BTC for loan repayments at my next credit union board meeting ;-)
“In order to sustain the price of bitcoin, we need to close the loops.” - @balajis https://t.co/rytyCMCoab http://t.co/W3qTGuLScs
RT @balajis: A recent talk at @khoslaventures’ CEO summit. Some new things, some old. May be of interest: https://t.co/TDkXU4V18Y
@CathyReisenwitz Word; getting divorced was one of the best things I ever did. Then again, I caught her sleeping w/her coworker…
@twobitidiot A few attempts: https://t.co/83et6fAy6u
@BlueMeanie4 In case you didn’t get the reference, that’s “2 Chainz” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2_Chainz
Q: What do you get when a block chain forks?
A: pic.twitter.com/KtFoCmoCZG
@el33th4xor Well, do you count asset forfeiture as stealing from suspects?
How long before the first @soylent @eatingcontest is held?
@mikeinspace With the belief that in some cases, hard forking is like eating your vegetables.
@masonic_tweets LOL I was wondering why they didn’t sustain the 20TPS they promised. They only hit 14 TPS for 10 min https://t.co/NVCrPCGftl
I like big blocks and I cannot lie.
I hate hard forks; that I can’t deny.
@alness @mriou It seems to me that we should formalize what the acceptable minimum specs are to run a node.
@alness @mriou That’s a slippery slope; there are “purists” who refuse to upgrade past Bitcoin Core ~0.7 IIRC
bencxr Interesting day watching/responding to the #Bitcoin stress test. Blocks consistently full, peak of 11.7k unconfirmed transactions.
@mriou @alness The perspective of engineers building a platform often conflicts with that of the engineers using the platform. ;-)
amcafee Yuck. In 1950 only 1 in 20 us workers needed a permit from the gov. Now about 1 in 3 do econ.st/1rSPufb #2MA
A nice set of p2pool stats hosted by @yaBTCn: http://t.co/ddpQrMZxfq
@kyletorpey @TuurDemeester Sure, I don’t see why not.
BIP: Increase Maximum Block Size, via @gavinandresen https://t.co/97D2mfS6bm
@kristovatlas At least @bramcohen admits that with full blocks, users will choose different payment mechanisms. AKA “not Bitcoin.”
@danlowe @Magnus919 @knucklesandwich @dawleywood Right, though I figure you wouldn’t want to simply copy them as they are being used.
It appears that CoinWallet is delivering on their promise to stress test the network today. https://t.co/bS5m8rwJ4q https://t.co/jbsklIHHx9
@jaweedkaleem @ioerror If hypocritical Christians can’t call themselves Christian, we’re not going to have many Christians left.
@torkelo Do you have any recommendation for Grafana back end selection between Graphite / InfluxDB / OpenTSDB?
@danlowe @Magnus919 @knucklesandwich @dawleywood Do you back up the whisper DBs from Graphite? Is there a best practice for doing so?
So long, @sourceforge - the Bitcoin Development mailing list is now hosted by @linuxfoundation https://t.co/OUTH50Ivfq
RT @roasbeef: A simpler construction for multi-hop full-duplex payment channels than the LN: http://t.co/xp63PfRbKm. Needs BIPs: 68+65, Seg…
Fuel pumps and charging stations are ideal use cases for implementing Bitcoin payment channels. /cc @elonmusk
@masonic_tweets @DoomsdayPrepper Right, but it seems that it would be trivial to shoot or bat out of the air.
@masonic_tweets An episode of @DoomsdayPrepper had a guy electrify a drone’s exterior; I don’t think it would work well IRL due to fragility
I don’t ask merchants to please accept my bitcoin; I request that my debtors repay me with bitcoin.
@CoinSlumIt @jonmatonis @coinbase @PayPal It’s inevitable when you’re trying to bridge the gap between bitcoin and legacy financial systems.
Firearm dealers find out the hard way that “accepting bitcoin” via a third party sacrifices features for convenience. http://t.co/aiXMBRVB9p
@torkelo Do you accept bitcoin donations?
@AlpacaSW @kristovatlas Because decentralization is more valuable than maintaining a low cost of access?
@LaurentMT @NickSzabo4 Hmmm no mention of the backbone network; doesn’t that help as well?
@ryanxcharles @masonic_tweets @adam3us We all have interests and I, for one, am quite interested in everyone’s interests!
@kristovatlas Send tainted coins to blacklist-supporting entities, causing them to buckle under the weight of their paradoxical situation.
kristovatlas Coin analytics will give way to blockchain trolling, where you send coins deemed “tainted” to random people or your enemies.
@jonmatonis And total XT nodes > 2% xtnodes.com
@twobitidiot The title really made me initially think that they were saying it’s yet another Bitcoin exit scam :-/
RT @jgarzik: The #Bitcoin Startup that Helps Muslims Get Loans Without Breaking Islamic Law http://t.co/TRo6S3ZA2T
@muneeb Financial applications are probably clearer to the people who have capital to venture. Banks are still trying to figure it out.
@socrates1024 Thanks; stay tuned for new metrics and features! FYI, 1 BTC bounty offered for dockerization: https://t.co/YDlvOSGdJq
@pierre_rochard We could use a better source to track tools. AFAIK bitcoin.stackexchange & dev section of bitcointalk are best resources…
@pierre_rochard When I search for bitcoin related tools I tend to find a smattering of random githubs, most of which are long abandoned…
Seems to me that contentious hard fork debates have similarities to nuclear cold war, such as Mutually Assured Destruction & brinksmanship.
If you try to connect to bitcoind with a strictly validating JSON-RPC 2.0 client, you’re gonna have a bad time. https://t.co/V4DWK99Wmy
@DavidShares @matthew_d_green @jonmatonis … but they could be mined with stolen hardware or electricity!!!11one
@pig_poetry @Jeremy_DeGroot Dishes are hardware; your point is invalid!
Cryptolina 2015 @Cryptolina #BTC Expo. Aug 14 in #CLT Signup using @BitPay or @eventbrite; bit.ly/1TuVhC8 @MatthewRoszak @lopp @coinsetter
@morcosa It appears your fee estimator returns the same estimate for all targets >= 6 blocks; is this expected behavior?
Kudos to @TradeBlock for this interactive visualization of chained unconfirmed txns seen during the stress test: https://t.co/sqk9NpVFxN
RT @TradeBlock: #Bitcoin Network Capacity Analysis — Part 5: Stress Test Analysis http://t.co/Rz0LnboBqA http://t.co/ftls5jIJq2
F2Pool, Antpool, BW, BTCChina, Huobi commit to supporting 8MB blocks. pic.twitter.com/CBYCQ1OVbm
@kandemir Can you respond on github with an estimate of when you’ll be ready to submit a pull request? https://t.co/0QcwXjsoQJ
RT @paxful: Technical challenges to build bitcoin software http://t.co/gYqKRlE2k2
RT @least_nathan: We’ve written a comparison of @Blockstream ‘s Confidential Transactions and Zerocash: https://t.co/kugyWSMzwh #Bitcoin pr…
@blocklud You can learn about the @wences saga in @nathanielpopper’s book, Digital Gold http://t.co/kURSiEWeI8
Two years ago many claimed the BTC exchange rate surged due to Cyprus crisis. It turned out to be a result of @wences’ evangelism. #Grexit
We’ve got your block size charts at Statoshi; get ‘em while the block size debate is hot! http://t.co/Ypd7aOZiko http://t.co/4S4kz5dkGJ
Side-by-side comparison of fee estimation in Bitcoin Core 0.10 (left) vs master branch w/@morcosa’s changes (right) pic.twitter.com/rg266ZFdT5
@LarryBitcoin @CoinSlumIt @jonmatonis I think we’d all love a capacity increase without a block size increase, it’s just not possible yet.
@jeffcliff1 Yeah, unfortunately the visualization software I’m using (Grafana) is a pure javascript application.
@arlogilbert Great; you can reach me at [email protected]
@least_nathan Not orphans, just more “invitation” messages from different peers to download that block.
The block size debate has steamrolled all the way to http://t.co/nc8CRqNLwK https://t.co/by8MHXccqA
@eordano @maraoz Sorry I just missed you guys - I was in the bay area the past several weeks but am back in NC now.
orweinberger So @itayw and myself prepared a pretty cool #geo #visualization of unconfirmed #bitcoin TXs analytx.io
@torkelo Any plans to update the docker build to install Grafana 2.0? https://t.co/6KEFcHqsbV
I’m posting a 1 BTC bounty for whoever Dockerizes the Statoshi software stack successfully. https://t.co/YDlvOSGdJq
@ChrisTauziet @flyosity MFW I read “Facebook” and “privately” in the same sentence. i.imgur.com/2c7dLRb.gif
Tx fees hovering around 30K satoshis / KB; I personally find 10K / KB works well, but Bitcoin Core recommends more… pic.twitter.com/MzpGuBPeMW
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets FWIW I think @petertoddbtc’s replace by fee mechanism will help wallets respond to dynamic market conditions.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets The problem IMO is that we don’t have a straightforward fee market with a tight feedback loop, instead we guess.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets Gavin did release his ‘smart fee’ estimation in 0.10 but it’s not perfect either. http://t.co/g2uDn6sL8U
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets Most wallets from what I’ve seen don’t have dynamic fee mechanisms, just hard coded fees.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets From a market standpoint, “higher fees” as a solution makes sense, but as a wallet engineer I see problems.
@LarryBitcoin @morcosa @pwuille Sure; I suspect people will continue working on other options until the clock runs out.
@LarryBitcoin @morcosa @pwuille Lots of proposals floating around, but until one is agreed upon and rolled out, stagnation looms on horizon.
@LarryBitcoin @morcosa @pwuille Never increasing tx volume the network is capable of processing == stagnation, which is current outlook.
@morcosa @pwuille Worst cases?
Hard fork == potentially quick death.
Stagnation == potentially long and drawn out death.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets Though it would increase the orphan rate risk due to increasing block propagation times. Need IBLT to fix that.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets A block size increase ought to decrease disparity of subsidy vs fees due to increasing transaction volume.
@pierebel Cool, I’ve been editing the install instructions to match the changes I’ve made; LMK if you run into issues following them.
@coolbearcjs @pierre_rochard It should be less crappy now, thanks!
@pierebel I ran it with 2GB RAM until just a few months ago; it would probably be fine with 2GB. http://t.co/Xpf6QgjNlu
@coolbearcjs @pierre_rochard Gotcha; that’s the only HTML I coded by hand and it’s clear I’m not a front end dev… will work on that.
@pierebel I’ve got server specs posted at https://t.co/5rJw0MqSEt
@coolbearcjs @pierre_rochard It doesn’t seem to load in the Twitter app’s browser, but it should load in a mobile browser…
@pierre_rochard statoshi.info now supports individual user accounts, however there are some kinks to work out WRT data access.
It’s my pleasure to unveil the new and improved statoshi.info
@masonic_tweets @WillyBruns disparity b/t block subsidy and transaction fees along with risk of orphan races is incentive for empty blocks.
@masonic_tweets @WillyBruns No one can force miners to put any transactions into a block other than the coinbase transaction :-)
@grafana @torkelo This dashlist panel documentation appears to be broken: http://t.co/Z9UoyMkdVJ
@PestoPoppa @petertoddbtc If you don’t see the incentive in running a full node then you shouldn’t run one.
@scottmelker It would be a damn shame if someone were to upload their archived copy of The Melker Project to @tpb…
scottmelker RIP to the 30 million listens I had on my soundcloud page before everything was taken down.
@pierre_rochard I agree; a decent wiki edit should include an explanation as to why it is discouraged.
@pierre_rochard Only thing I can figure is that maybe it’s a Heartbleed reference. https://t.co/SDzrkMHgg8
RT @pierre_rochard: “JSON-RPC over SSL is strongly discouraged”
- https://t.co/P1NWLJgXZa
Interested in hearing the reasoning behind this.
@kandemir Hey, is this your Grafana code? Can you rebase and submit a pull request? Lots of us want pie charts :-) https://t.co/FYvQDwPEs5
New Statoshi metrics:
Orphan Txs
Tx Inputs, Outputs, Value, SigOps, Size, Priority
Block Size, # TX, SigOps
Peer IPV
@kristovatlas I thought that the terms & conditions of the crowdsale made it quite clear that it was a donation rather than investment.
RT @balajis: A talk on Bitcoin at Goldman Sachs.
http://t.co/vEUNIQJkBq http://t.co/eX5EAFehKo
@alansilbert @coindesk is this that FUD thing we keep hearing about? ;-)
Beyond Bitcoin: Block Chains and the Future of Trustless Computing https://t.co/EZoCeiDFLl
@jony_levin I see. But if @blockchain censors data, it’s still on the blockchain and surely other explorers will choose not to censor…
@jony_levin @blockchain The concept of such a “right” is fundamentally incompatible with a censorship resistant immutable ledger.
@aantonop The three golden rules to ensure computer security are: do not own a computer; do not power it on; and do not use it.
@barrysilbert To be fair, there are a decent number of “bitcoin bugs” :-)
Bitcoin XT nodes now comprise 2% of all reachable nodes on the network. You can track the numbers at xtnodes.com
RT @TradeBlock: #Bitcoin Network Capacity Analysis — Part 4: Simulating Practical Capacity http://t.co/scrGlW9VPT http://t.co/yZqiukWL45
Dance like nobody’s watching; encrypt like everyone is.
RT @openbazaar: OpenBazaar is entering a new phase with funding! https://t.co/mCLQiGDjhl
@alansilbert I’d be happy with an @amazon Dash Sriracha button
“How many full nodes are enough? One, your own, as long as you use it.” - @pwuille
@polemitis @robustus @petertoddbtc @josephjpeters Correct; @port8333 used to measure all propagated addresses regardless of reachability.
@petertoddbtc U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Sidechain Elements blocks have coinbase transactions of 0 value; if you try generating blocks you’re gonna have a bad time…
@vinmoor @gavinandresen Indeed, it’s hard to get consensus about what should be acceptable resource usage for running a node.
Hello Sidechain Elements :-) pic.twitter.com/oynSuIzcnP
RT @ryanxcharles: Better Signatures, Better Privacy, and Better Fees in the BitGo Web App and Chrome App https://t.co/YjJ0mw2k58
.@pwuille & Greg Maxwell on why sidechains are not a scalability solution in and of themselves: http://t.co/GgokEuce0t
@twobitidiot @jgarzik Well then I guess @MasterCard can stop wasting their resources fighting it. :-D
RT @ryanxcharles: Source code for the first sidechain. https://t.co/ulQMDFNwNb
Blockstream Announcing Sidechain Elements, a collection of experiments to bring more technical innovation to Bitcoin: blockstream.com
Final Sidechain Element: Confidential Transactions! pic.twitter.com/DkHAzPS6gE
Incoming script enhancements from @Blockstream pic.twitter.com/VKrOhZfZ2t
“Segregated Witness prevents third party transaction malleability.” Greg Maxwell
More Sidechain Elements! pic.twitter.com/0cw1YbSFNb
“The first sidechain element is Issued Assets.” Greg Maxwell pic.twitter.com/uAQoa3pe2Y
“Be aware that testnet sidechains are not secure because testnet itself is not secure.” Greg Maxwell