The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 2010

zero to bachelor’s in 2.5 years is only 0.0000456 bachelor’s per hour

via Seesmic

anybody that markets their technology as ‘magical’ should raise a few red flags…

via Seesmic

just flipped past ‘gospel superfest’ on the worship channel and the dude was performing with an autotuner…

via Seesmic

traditional rappelling teaches you to hold the rope with both hands, which is inconvenient if you’re being shot at

via Seesmic

today’s woot is reaaaaaaaaaaaally tempting! LOLing @ the n00bs asking where the pot is…

via Seesmic

@ameir kinda, just a ‘cuil’ example that i really like

via Seesmic in reply to ameir

You awake as a hamburger‽ You begin to scream, only to have special sauce fly from your lips‽ You view the world in sepia‽

via Seesmic

mad max 4: fury road. wooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo!…

via Seesmic

why was there a run on the gas stations this afternoon? you’re not going ANYWHERE this weekend, people…

via Seesmic

barely made it home from bronto trivia night… multi-car pileup outside my neighborhood thanks to an ice patch

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RT @insanecoworker: “Whoa! Paintball…that would be good career-building activity. I mean team-building.”

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it’s pathetic, but we NEED a good samaritan law. one of my neighbors was left bleeding in the street after he hit a deer on his motorcycle.

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this time tomorrow I expect to be curled up by the fire… doing my taxes

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whenever i want to feel better about myself, i view twitter’s public feed. take, for example, the trending topic “Bacstreet Boys”

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espresso resupply: archer farms super dark!

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brewed my way through 1.25 pounds of espresso grounds ahead of schedule. fellow brontonians can’t get enough of that sweet, sweet nectar.

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my, tonight’s local sporting event has been QUITE titillating!

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one of this week’s goals: work my way through 1.25 pounds of espresso grounds

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“Dude, your suspension is tighter than PROM NIGHT!” - @ddahlke upon spilling his coffee, which I advised against bringing along for the ride

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You can lose a lot of money by chasing women. You can’t lose a lot of women by chasing money.

via Seesmic

Fox News admits that their viewers will believe anything…

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Wizard’s First Rule: people are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything.

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Spartacus: Blood and Sand - it’s Rome hopped up on 300. Moar!

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SustainableTips Not only are snuggies good for keeping warm, they are also an eco-friendly way of staying abstinent

via web (retweeted on 6:41 PM, Jan 23rd, 2010 via web)

@seanmcnichol only if the price is right… in reality i’m just gonna spend a buttload on landscaping to get rid of this mud pit of a yard

via web

for sale: one 70 pound overgrown puppy. accessories include crate, 60 pounds of food, and 10 pounds of mud.

via Seesmic

@gigq It’s not gay if you do it through a hole in the sheet.

via Seesmic in reply to gigq

The only “normal” people are those whom you don’t know very well.

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Players of FarmVille, Castle Age, et al: they’re dumbed-down, prettied-up versions of BBS MuDs you laughed at nerds for playing 20 years ago

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Managing Humans, Chapter 1: Don’t Be a Prick

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I’m sick of reading personal ads that start with “I’m easygoing and like to have fun” - the first person to admit otherwise gets asked out!

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@tab126 oh yes, you can find it on the internets

via web in reply to tab126

watching “i hope they serve beer in hell” - i met @tuckermax for 30 sec and can confirm that he’s an asshole. thx for the autographed book!

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I <3 PHP variable variables. $$objectName->$fieldName FTW

via Seesmic

Starving, thirsty, homeless Haitians can be at peace now that their solar-powered bibles have finally arrived

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Drink enough coffee and your brain will soar at the speed of a thousand parakeets on crystal meth.

via Seesmic

@mike9r what do you expect? Quality Of Service?

via Seesmic in reply to flyosity

i’m a bit disappointed i haven’t seen any of IMDB’s 50 worst rated movies. @seanmcnichol: ‘santa with muscles’ is #55

via Seesmic

most underrated sci-fi masterpieces: primer, dark city, serenity, gattaca, silent running

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Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.

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been researching humidifiers for hours to no avail. anyone have recommendations? i want quiet, powerful, and no mineral deposits.

via Seesmic

SustainableTips Impulses to buy Apple products come with impulses 18 months later to chuck it in a landfill and buy the newer version

via web (retweeted on 6:11 PM, Jan 15th, 2010 via web)

the chinese govt has been waging cyber-war against US interests for years; when are we going to fight back?

via Seesmic

I’m glad Sarah Palin got the FOX gig, because the fire hose will be turned back on for gems like this

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i’ve read police logs of $10k rings left in cars that were stolen, thus i’m not surprised. he brought it on himself.

via Seesmic

google remembers its motto (don’t be evil) and tells china where to shove it! http://googleblog.blogsp…

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kohl’s is having a polygamist-friendly sale: buy one get one free wedding / engagement rings!

via Seesmic

WTF Chevy??? the original Volt concept was HOT (a la 2010 camaro) but now it’s a @#^&*&$^ PRIUS

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props to both family guy and the simpsons for working ‘fox sucks’ into their shows

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@gigq does it not concern you that if there’s enough energy to just pull out of the air, it may have unintended health effects?

via Seesmic in reply to gigq

RT @mike9r: Fox News hires Sarah Palin for multi-year deal, meaning she’ll stay for a few months:

via Seesmic

McCain campaign: “inconceivable that if McCain fell ill or died, the country be left in the hands of a President Palin.”

via Seesmic

@jasonmalone welcome to the REAL world…. jackass!

via Seesmic in reply to jasonmalone

should republicans be worried? personally, i know liberals with conservative parents but not vice versa…

via Seesmic

EPIC facebook conversation. names have been changed to protect the guilty.…

via Seesmic

RT @insanecoworker: “Squeeze this kiwi fruit until the juice all comes out…see, it looks like a clitoris.”

via Seesmic

borderlands released a patch at 10:00 PM. can’t play online without most recent version. download server isn’t responding. FFFFFFUUUUUU

via web

@gigq dude neither getconcentration NOR the missile launcher are linux compatible. FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU

via Seesmic in reply to gigq

@gigq does the app bitch slap people who walk over and interrupt you?

via Seesmic in reply to gigq

@carolinewv possibly… not sure if they can handle the logistics though; dog house was a nightmare

via Seesmic in reply to carolinewv

@carolinewv I was told Wendy’s and The Dog House have suffered bannination at the hands of the powers that be

via Seesmic in reply to carolinewv

for my clueless north carolinians (and the folks who almost killed me a few weeks ago) i present: HOW TO DRIVE IN SNOW

via Seesmic

we (@bronto) are hosting a Triangle PHP/MySQL Users Group mtg on Jan 19 6:30-9:00 - pizza & beer will, of course, be provided

via Seesmic

the canada geese are getting pissy - they’ve been walking around on the lake all week

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thanks, @knucklesandwich - i’ve now decided that i don’t want a nexus one… i just want a ‘fuck you iphone’

via Seesmic

dear @bestbuy - your email marketing software stinks. “We are unable to process your request” to unsubscribe me is unacceptable.

via Seesmic

Good news, everyone! Thanks to 4chan you can actually find some watchable videos on youtube today

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Man robs shoe store with a large rock. This wouldn’t happen if more people carried concealed paper

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@seanmcnichol right but the real question is if it will be CDMA or CDMA + GSM

via Seesmic in reply to seanmcnichol

@seanmcnichol in a few months it will also work on verizon

via Seesmic in reply to seanmcnichol

@seanmcnichol but you can’t put a price on being able to tell a carrier to fuck off and switch to another carrier with no penalty!

via Seesmic in reply to seanmcnichol

you can’t put a price on freedom (from wireless phone contracts)

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merry (5th?) brontoversary to @justinjas / @gigq

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@lesliejenna @covati @brandonwilkins i just realized we all broke rule #4. DAMNIT!

via Seesmic in reply to lesliejenna

24 hours ‘til nexus one release! not that you’ll find me in line… some people call early adoption cutting edge; i call it gamma testing.

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fairly sure i’m only guilty of #6 (pets) - many of you need to work on #1 & #3…

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@jefft “Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little security shall soon have neither.” - Benjamin Franklin

via Seesmic in reply to jefft

“The Constitution is grounded in the premise that there are other values and priorities more important than mere Safety.”

- Glenn Greenwald

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officially pissed at atari for doing such a crappy job porting ghostbusters to PC that it crashes every time i load the first level

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@brandonwilkins yep, brasa is a great way to drop a couple hundred bucks

via Seesmic in reply to brandonwilkins

lake is frozen over… time to crank up the fireplace

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booyeah; google voice invite thanks to @wookaru - one step closer to nexus one!

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i cast my vote for saddest movie of all time: the time traveler’s wife

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primer (#1 mindfuck time travel movie) timeline breakdown - it all makes sense now!

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i just sped up my DNS lookups by 47% thanks to namebench! speed up your web browsing in 10 min:…

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anyone have a google voice invitation?

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vindication! if you don’t get enough sleep you might want to kill yourself!

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@mattmeis remember playing time trials (motorcycle game) in high school? they made a 3D version & it’s $2.50 today

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thus far it’s 2010: the year of the hangover

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