… you’d have sold, spent, or lost it all by now.
IntelTechniques Episode 280-The Future Of Extreme Privacy
This week I offer a glimpse into the major projects we are working on fo..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…cq
@saintkamus @OpenAI Thanks; do you know if this works on Linux? Looks like I don’t have access to any machines with..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…7i
It turns out that when you operate schools as if they are prisons, it’s not conducive to a healthy learning environ..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…uB
Some thoughts after tinkering with @OpenAI’s Whisper software. blog.lopp.net/openai-whisper…
@pete_rizzo_ Last year @cringely predicted that Bitcoin would “split 10-to-1” in 2021 and there would be 210 millio..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…76
There are many open source tools available to help Bitcoin developers save time. There’s no need to re-invent the w..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Sk
Crypto assets don’t take power away from banks and governments to print money. They empower /anyone/ to print their..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Us

A purchase that can be taken away is just a rental. pic.twitter.com/ldK2UxLGzi
lopp Miners don’t waste energy securing Bitcoin.
The military industrial complex wastes energy securing the petrodollar.
FOSS is amazing
Standard center punch tip (left)
@CodlStorage center punch (right)
Pretty clear why you’ll get better results w..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…B4
CORRECTION: @CodlStorage reached out regarding suboptimal corrosion results. We determined that the problem was due..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Dx
@Arthur_van_Pelt @DocumentingBTC Yep. I have snapshots of early exchange rates archived at https://t.co/q1u9HRwHTa
Imagine being the White House press secretary and having to explain stuff like this with a straight face. nytimes.com/2022/09/28/us/…
You can’t truly own real estate without a standing army.

lopp Dating can be tough when you have Bitcoin on the brain. pic.twitter.com/43wOGHgrHN
RT @lightning: Today we’re excited to announce the initial code for Taro
Peston I am going to try to explain why the Bank of England has gone into the market to buy up to £65bn of UK government b..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Z6
Diary of an Unmade Man
My treatise on metal seed backup device design is now available as a half hour presentation! youtu.be/XWfTyGpNXxM
Recursos Bitcoin em Português bitcoinheiros.com/intro-bitcoin/
Just as Bitcoin’s whitepaper only described the starting point, not Bitcoin’s final form, so too shall it be with L..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yu
lopp Bitcoin is not:
A crypto republic
Crypto democracy
Crypto socialism
Crypto communism
Bitcoin is crypto anarchy.
maxboonen When I was looking for a physical device to store private keys, I found this review by @lopp very useful:
Bitcoin is anti-bailout financial technology.
A Russian couple was at a coffee shop in Thailand when they were surrounded by a gang of half a dozen foreign men…twitter.com/i/web/status/1…J8
Conferences, meetups, and individuals have given presentations about every aspect of the multifaceted Bitcoin ecosy..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Qd
incunabula The Tripitaka Koreana - carved on 81258 woodblocks in the 13th century - is the most successful large data transfe..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…v2
If your financial advisor hasn’t recommended a small allocation of your portfolio to bitcoin by now, it’s time to f..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…tr
“Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true.”
- Julius Caesar
RealRossU We are feeling the bite of inflation here in prison too.
Peanuts cost 90% more, and a dollar gets you two ramen packs instead of five.

lopp BRACE YOURSELVES pic.twitter.com/SGu5WZYUPr
@BitcoinMagazine PHRASING twitter.com/lopp/status/15…
anilsaidso Those who sought refuge in the pound, are now seeking refuge in the dollar, without understanding they’re repeating..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ii
Putin getting desperate for more bodies to send to the front. twitter.com/DeItaone/statu…
@MeiLin0909 If a country is worth defending then citizens will do so voluntarily.
@BoBtEhNuB Because it’s the fastest way for me to produce simple utility scripts; I spent a decade writing PHP as a full-time job.
@BitcoinBasicPod No, but I think it’s more likely that the BTC gets returned to Bitfinex than auctioned off by the..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Ni
It is morally justifiable to resist slavery with deadly force.
Conscription is slavery.
@alistairmilne @gladstein That’s one way to ensure they don’t get the satisfaction of sending you to the gulag.
@gladstein Chad. https://t.co/61NZziRGkt
Did you know that the US Government has seized and sold over 185,000 BTC since 2014? See how much better off they w..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…3Q
The Internet wasn’t built in a day. Neither shall the Internet of Money.
A historical analysis of spam attacks conducted on the Bitcoin network. blog.lopp.net/history-bitcoi…
latimes FBI agents drilled and pried their way into 1,400 safe-deposit boxes.
18 months later, newly unsealed court docume..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9D
A comprehensive guide to reclaiming your privacy in the surveillance age. blog.lopp.net/modest-privacy…
@paoloardoino Yes but can you INVEST in Pine64?
/cc @DudespostingWs
Yes $DXY is at 20-year highs.
No, this doesn’t mean the value of USD is going up.
It means the values of other fiat..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…LI
There is no guarantee that the value of bitcoin will continue going up.
However, you can be sure that the value of..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Ch
User-friendly solutions for backing up sensitive data to cloud providers while keeping it safe from third party sno..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…j8
lopp In an insane world a sane person appears insane.
@lifestylemanoz This photo and a great gun recommendation from his bodyguard.
@salvatoshi Matt must be a 10X super shadowy coder.
Thoughts on inheritance planning for folks who own cryptographic assets. blog.lopp.net/fifteen-men-on…
I’m not available to help anyone buy bitcoin. If you can’t figure out how to do that then it’s a sign you’re defini..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Pt
@raknak Heh John would leave the room fairly regularly and come back with a lot more energy…
@lark_quark Some day…
Going through old photos and remembering that in 2016 I spent an entire day in a hotel meeting room with John McAfe..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…jr
@0xArbiter It was pretty easy to get running locally.
@kouloumos @btctranscripts I’m already impressed that it correctly transcribed “opcode”
@kouloumos Yes. Incredibly easy to use; I was up and running in under 5 minutes.
@trbouma @roasbeef Indeed. The results are pretty impressive; I’m going to work a bit on trying to quantify their accuracy.

Stress testing some AI audio transcription tech.
IYKYK pic.twitter.com/S7N2EEi74G
@BrianLockhart I thought the tasteful nudes were only for superfollowers
Historical research suggests inflation increases violent crime. Higher cost of goods motivates consumers towards ch..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…r6
In order to achieve better scalability, privacy, and versatility, developers build desired functionality as new lay..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gf
Miners don’t waste energy securing Bitcoin.
The military industrial complex wastes energy securing the petrodollar.
RT @niftynei: trying something new, 1:1 chats for new/aspiring @Core_LN devs
DanielPFlatley NEW: US sanctions have grown so numerous and complex that Treasury has created the position of “Chief Sanctions Eco..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Ks
lopp I stand upon the shoulders of giants and as such, invite you to stand upon mine. Use my work with or without attrib..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…QS
@DanDarkPill please like all of mine twice; i could sure use the extra engagement
@gladstein This is fine; the Chad move is to play along until such time as they issue you a fully automatic rifle.
yes i’m getting up and walking away from the computer in the middle of the meeting because calendar software devs h..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…zM
@flyosity naming things is hard
Spiral is a new Bitcoin block explorer that uses fully homomorphic encryption to guarantee the privacy of your bala..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Dt
@jbeardsley So they say, but I can’t figure the reasoning behind giving guns to prisoners and expecting everything to go smoothly.
Loophole for Russian citizens: if you don’t want to die on the front lines just say that you disagree with this war..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…u8
@NeerajKA my node has no issues determining which is the real bitcoin
@badcryptobitch Biased because I spent a decade writing PHP, but I still find myself writing most of my utility tools in PHP.
What topic would you like me to write about next?
@DanDarkPill I love it when folks put in the work to expand one of my 30 second tweets into a full length article.
@orionwl @Puri_sm I got that too; noob mistake to create a distribution list that allows anyone to post!
80+ crypto assets have the word “bitcoin” in their name.
14 have a market cap over $1,000,000.
3 claim to be Bitcoin.
1 is Bitcoin.
@Excellion Sounds like a great project for testnet!
lopp Yes, I’m aware that making controversial statements will result in people unfollowing me. No need to announce your..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…0p
1 BTC in your hand is worth 10 in a bank
@Miggle_B_ Yeah, it’s a nodejs project. “npm start” to run it locally and test rendering. github.com/jlopp/bitcoin-…
@Miggle_B_ Feel free to submit a pull request
@DanDarkPill $30K was just the initial cost; it’s been far more in the years since then!
@DanDarkPill I’m merely presenting you with options
@DanDarkPill Just get your account verified and you’re sure to see a big bump with little effort! twitter.com/lopp/status/15…
@mad_bitcoin Technically, no. A robbery must include violence or threats of violence. If nobody is at the bank, it..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…GV
@DanDarkPill My twitter engagement has been at 2019 levels. Even during the last bull run it never got anywhere near 2017 levels.
BREAKING: Lebanon no longer allowing citizens to rob the bank to get their deposits back.
@Miggle_B_ This mobile display issue should be resolved now! twitter.com/lopp/status/15…
@EFMinerals Often involve time travel or AI.
I remember now why I don’t opine upon Satoshi often.
It brings all the folks with crackpot theories out of the woodwork.
@druidian @l_unchtime I don’t think you can conclusively prove or disprove what type of hardware Satoshi used. I do..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…OP
Recursos Bitcoin em Português academy.bit2me.com/pt/funda%C3%A7…
The true scammers are the “journalists” who claimed that Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.

How my day went today: pic.twitter.com/SSpmHVPT6F
lopp decaffeinated coffee
non-alcoholic beer
central bank digital currency
@druidian @_SnittyKitty_ @RealRichCranium I’d expect it’s unlikely they were burning more than a hundred watts or s… https://t.co/w9wnAbMuLl
Be wary of which consensus networks you use, as many are like playing Calvinball.
Though in the case of BSV you’re..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Af
@Harvey_bus If you don’t hold your own keys, it’s not your bitcoin.
Bunch of wise guys saying they’re gonna cancel my bitcoin account by turning off the electricity but I’m skeptical..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Hb
Saw a reply from the real @cz_binance on a thread and my brain reflexively flagged it as a bot and skipped over it… https://t.co/W8aQ0GC2B3
@parkg02661164 That wasn’t your Bitcoin account - it was Celsius’ account.
@Arthur_van_Pelt @Twitter @TwitterSupport Generally a waste of time because they can spool up accounts faster than we can report them.
Podcasts are great way to keep up with current events in Bitcoin land. Quality podcasts provide high signal, low no..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ch
You can cancel my Twitter account.
You can cancel my YouTube account.
You’ll never cancel my Bitcoin account.

lopp Hospital bill for delivering a baby + 1 week recuperation in 1956. pic.twitter.com/SwNj8vgBEQ
@nate_zec Because they get rendered the same on every device and platform?
Looks like IEEE has come to their senses and removed Craig the con artist from the panel he was scheduled to speak..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Tg
RT @DocumentingBTC: Satoshi Nakamoto could have mined MUCH more #bitcoin and become richer than anyone else in all of history. Instead, Sat…
@kcalvinalvinn @BitcoinCorePRs @Lightlike1 @glozow It’s all related; the issue had been raised before I did more ex..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Rq
@Hold2Moon Sure, no problems there. For DCA you’ll want to minimize the total number of deposits into a multisig wa..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…pT
@c_hashreview @CaitlinLong_ Public keys are broadcast at the time you spend a UTXO, when you provide the redeem script.
@AlbertoMaccat For sure, I believe that wallets should warn folks if they are approaching a number of UTXOs that wo… https://t.co/bVnimiebV9
Bought a new printer for the first time in a decade.
Configured it to connect to my home network.
Printer won’t acc..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…t1
@Miggle_B_ Oh dear. I’ll see if I can improve that. Thanks for the report!
@DanDarkPill Turns out this is a real thing. I met an “NFT investor” earlier this year who kept telling me how amaz..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Sj
Are you a Bitcoin node operator who is overwhelmed by the 170+ configuration options offered by Bitcoin Core? Bookm..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bE
Don’t spend your bitcoin on the darknet. Drugs only get you high once. Bitcoin gets you high for life.
Every time you instruct your wallet to spend bitcoin, it needs to select which UTXOs to spend. It turns out there a..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…H6
lopp If “environmentalists” had half a clue how Bitcoin works, they’d be spending their energy trying to increase Lightn..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9Y
@DanDarkPill Green tip ammo ain’t cheap!
@Excellion Yes but how heavy is its flow to its stock?
lopp The melt value of a modern US nickel is now 9 cents.
@DanDarkPill Precision is no problem! Just got a .30-06 sighted in at 200 yards. Depending on the application, you..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…q5
@JuCJuse RIP SightMark
Thoughts on memetic theory and the significance of popular Bitcoin memes. blog.lopp.net/the-memes-make…
@jermehsghost Welcome to my life.
@SJJeselson I learned the hard way.
Red dot sights are basically cheat codes for improved accuracy over iron sights.
But if you mount a cheap red dot..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…F5
@decentmoney2009 @druidian Yeah it was a pretty good measure and an impressive display of the network’s resilience.

Bitcoin is. pic.twitter.com/dJoXCPz7ko
Is the concentration of hashpower within the borders of China (or any nation, for that matter) a cause for concern..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…1D
@BitcoinIsSaving wen unsplurging

Patience, young padawans… pic.twitter.com/2PvmlXf0Vq
@orion_kos Now if only I can figure out how to harness their energy…
lopp If Bitcoin is a new form of life:
* Electricity is its food
* The Internet is its circulatory system
* Miners are i..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Bn
@niftynei @theinstagibbs My strategy so that I don’t end up in too much of an echo chamber: https://t.co/6bvu3dSm0l
@balajis I wonder if the tolerance for pilot error is higher or lower than a helicopter. Helicopters have crazy low error tolerance.
@lukechilds @jkaartinen Correct.
@AfriCryptoklap It’s been a while since I checked, but I don’t think any spends occurred after Satoshi went dark.
@Vicab08 Because we don’t know Satoshi’s gender or even if it was a single person vs a group.
@AfriCryptoklap There were no exchanges at the time of the spends. The money was generally sent to other early users for testing IIRC.
@jkaartinen @lukechilds Indeed, including the payout address for the coinbase transaction.
alistairmilne Great article by @lopp
Hadn’t realised that Satoshi paused his miner for 5 mins after finding a block (to even out..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…kn
Lessons learned from running a routing node on the Lightning Network. blog.lopp.net/lightning-netw…
@lukechilds If you wanted to run X single-threaded miners with 1 per core, I’m pretty sure that would still require..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…6k
@mutatrum Craig continues to amaze us with the sheer levels of wrongness he is able to achieve!
LuganoPlanB Casa’s CTO @lopp will give a keynote speech on “The Death of decentralization in SMTP” at the Lugano’s Plan ₿ Forum..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Rl
LaurentMT A must read by @lopp. My personal takeaway: Excluding Patoshi, there was on average less than 2 equivalent persons..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…AS
@arbedout Not really; I’d generally approach them all with occam’s razor - which would be most straightforward to d..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…80
This appears to be an escalation…
“They had a list of people they wanted to hit consecutively.”
Criminal hackin..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…iK
druidian The behavior profiling from the data here is next-level. Great read (: twitter.com/lopp/status/15…
In an insane world a sane person appears insane.
@FractalEncrypt @level39 Difficulty adjustments only occur at heights that are multiples of 2016.
lopp My conclusions from extensive analysis performed on early Bitcoin blocks that fall into the Patoshi Pattern.
And another one… twitter.com/CoinDesk/statu…
@CoinDesk @davidzmorris I’ve yet to see evidence that Craig can code his way out of a paper bag, much less that he’s a computer scientist.
@danheld you can’t have fundamentalism without fun!
@Econ_Rockstar That would imply that Faketoshi can in any way harm my reputation. He is incapable of doing so.
@GlamourCock 2 possible reasons:
1. It gave them enough hashpower that they could ensure more consistent productio..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…hv
@michiel19 Feel free to right click and save the image from the blog post. twitter.com/lopp/status/97…
@koeppelmann Congrats, you nerd sniped me into doing the math. Here are the results. https://t.co/f2czoPh60S
@michiel19 something I generated with midjourney
My conclusions from extensive analysis performed on early Bitcoin blocks that fall into the Patoshi Pattern.
Long-form thought pieces go into far greater detail than you’ll find via other mediums. Quality blog posts expand o..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…O0

Dating can be tough when you have Bitcoin on the brain. pic.twitter.com/43wOGHgrHN
Success! New airdrop (of knowledge) coming tomorrow… twitter.com/lopp/status/15…
lopp We can code harder and faster than the state can regulate.
Egge21M I was looking for a website that takes a date and time and returns Bitcoin blocks closest to that. But I couldn’t f..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yA
Have you ever wanted to find which bitcoin block was closest to a given date and time without having to click throu..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…RO

Deceptive shrinkflation: pic.twitter.com/mghta5gVrB
@danheld Starlink fixes this?