You were on your way home when you died.…
most tech companies try to make their product’s internals all ball bearings; @bronto operates on dUDEs riding unicorns over double rainbows.
if you’re excited about Google’s new Priority Inbox… you’ve been doing it wrong
there are too many positive social networking apps - what the world needs is a social avoidance app for exes, in-laws, and moochers
RT @rands: Watch with awe and amazement at how quickly an engineer will become totally annoyed by inefficiency.
@mattmeis I can’t wait for the roaring oh-twenties
I’ll weigh in on the UNC football scandal: I met a lot of football players when I was there and almost none were what I’d call UNC material.
doubt the DOT approves of lawn mowers as roadworthy, but now I can’t help but wonder what kind of gas mileage they get. 5 MPG city / 5 hwy?
never forget that you are a teeny speck. a teeny speck floating in the middle of a maelstrom of death without a paddle.
quite pleased that after a two year hiatus my house’s address shows up again on google maps
RT @Oatmeal: Why working at home is both awesome and horrible
RT @rands: Anyone with a decent internet connection is ready to cut the cable cord, but no one wants to replace one service with 12.
@tab126 yeaaaaaaaaaa at least they mentioned to avoid fiberglass filters…
@jefft wacky and informative as usual, jeff
seriously considering purchasing a dehydrator for homemade <insert meat> jerky
the best things in life are free if you steal them
west virginia: where the scenery is beautiful and the IQs are room temperature
headed to west virginia for another danger-filled weekend. this time: whitewater rafting.
the problem with an analog speedometer that goes up to 200 mph is that the arc length between 40 and 50 mph is a minuscule 0.15 radians
tomorrow I will be meeting with a fellow selling a helmet on craigslist; he goes by ‘cash money’
@jefft not as CLASSIC, no…
you’ll never look at a yo-yo the same…
it turns out that pyramid schemes are alive and well - just ask my neighbors about the amazing business opportunity they have to offer
80% of people who post ads for motorcycle helmets on craigslist don’t bother to mention the size… this is rather important.
phil_nash Welcome to the new decade: Java is a restricted platform, Google is evil, Apple is a monopoly and Microsoft are the underdogs
The National Wharrgarbl Service has issued a warning of an upcoming Category 5 Herpderp storm b/c Ramadan ends on 9/11
currently speculating as to why female bikers don’t return ‘the wave’
after stepping out of the plane at 10,000 feet I engaged in a fierce struggle with gravity, which edged out a narrow victory
at this time tomorrow I’ll be jumping out of a perfectly good plane just to see if the Earth is smart enough to get out of my way
have the toils of life been getting you down?…
the only hand that can beat a royal flush is Chuck Norris’
currently in code refactoring hell. staring at a code block with variables named ‘num_total’, ‘number_total’, and ‘number_num’
some days you get the mcnugget. some days the mcnugget gets you.
I’d make a “this is why we can’t have nice things” post, but it would involve blood and gore. suffice to say I just got a tetanus shot.
is there any road trip planning software that will suggest sites to visit between destinations? bonus points for scenic detours.
you may have seen the study about spiders reacting to different drugs, but you’ve never seen CANADIAN spiders on drugs
just picked up some excellent seats for Blue Man Group at @DPAC in March!
@lesliejenna sadly, I don’t think it’s blanket tax-free…
I don’t see why they keep calculating more digits of pi. I know that pi ends with Chuck Norris, for he ends all things.
does sarcasm become lying when the person with whom you are conversing is too stupid to realize it’s sarcasm?
I eagerly await the day I no longer have to wait for computer interfaces to process my inputs
It’s important to keep in touch with how the other side thinks. Re: Prop 8 overturning, Drudge Report exclaims ‘OMG 1 JUDGE VOIDS 7M VOTERS’
RT @SustainableTips: Don’t belittle crazy cat people. Cats have a significantly lower carbon footprint than a loving family.
RT @AmicaMutual: Amica Insurance ranked “highest in customer satisfaction†among auto insurers for 11th straight year! …
somewhere out there ‘the one’ is waiting for you
@mattmeis ditto; here’s to hoping for a decent drop in insurance rates!
the internet: i read it for the articles
Being Geek - #3 book on Amazon’s movers and shakers list:
just ordered “Being Geek: The Software Developer’s Career Handbook” - the latest release from Michael Lopp (@rands)
@mikestable I explicitly told the pest control guys to not spray Eugene’s corner when they come by
my new neighbor caught one of those moon moths that's the size of your fist