RT @murchandamus: The three legged stool analogy of @VinnyLingham is omitting an important part: the foundation on which Bitcoin’s network…
@mourad1bm You mean a multi-sig enterprise ERC20 wallet? I’m not aware of any that exist, though BitGo will support them before too long.

Just added a bunch of resources for traders and a new “visualization” section to lopp.net/bitcoin.html pic.twitter.com/dqhp6fSh9E
@BTCticker FYI it looks like your GeoIP lookups are broken and all txns are rendering at 0’,0’ on bitcointicker.co/transactions/
“If miners spend millions of dollars to dig holes in North Dakota that no one’s willing to pay for… that won’t last long.” - @TraceMayer
@WhalePanda @francispouliot_ Looks like it may be roughly location based? https://t.co/7bD7kgvTxk
@timomtheos I think what you’re really asking is how to build a system of ownership everyone agrees to use w/o bein… https://t.co/kJtpXomQiY
@timomtheos Absolutely. Though it sounds like you’re also asking about reputation. We’ll certainly need better repu… https://t.co/w3Yhe0Fm9T
Institutions can not be trusted.
Institutions must not be trusted.
Free yourself from the shackles of trust.
Uh oh, looks like we need to manually train Google, y’all. https://t.co/4jrq2dvpZX https://t.co/aUt0X54ZG9
In the battle for the future of Bitcoin, one side is betting on Byzantine Generals while the other is betting on dr… https://t.co/1suXSgWGx3
@miltonlealneto Sure, anybody can hard fork whenever they want.
Scammers tend to be early tech adopters, trying to stay a step ahead of law enforcement. Keep your wits sharpened while on the cutting edge.
“Live free or die” isn’t a bumper sticker. It’s a decision you make every day, whether you realize it or not.
@jakejakeny Replace every instance of “bitcoin” in your article with “US Dollars” and read it again for a fresh perspective.
Just got word from acting Bitcoin Boss, the esteemed Noh Buhdee, that banks are welcome to apply for Bitcoin status. https://t.co/SKg5c1i2BV

@zooko Snowden pump incoming! pic.twitter.com/QxcsSOMJm9
Russian Deputy Finance Minister seeks Bitcoin dip buying opportunity. https://t.co/JLmagnxmuR
@woods_nh @bitcoinmom Depends upon your needs; it can be used as a payment rail today. Will be much better in a few… https://t.co/FBvvqwOtV6
@uniqbiun Yeah there’s no great option; you should only reveal your xPub if you don’t mind a complete loss of privacy.
@danielcamposusa Running a fully validating node is most helpful if you are using it to verify tx you receive. Othe… https://t.co/okt9PRYrRr
Bitcoin has never and will never have a goal of maintaining a specific value other than ensuring that 1 BTC == 1 BTC.
@chartpiker I think any experienced trader would recommend that you never keep more than a small fraction of your holdings on an exchange.
@MarkosZCH I don’t think it’s a good idea; this is a good overview of some of the reasons why: https://t.co/eveDazID7J
@ShreyasGowda88 @Blockstream No, there is no evidence to support such a claim.
@IljaDaderko Making /any/ transactions will be dangerous unless your wallet software has been upgraded to have built-in replay protection.
@theinstagibbs Contribute^H^H^H^H^Hol
@gavinandresen Alternatively, watch HODLers dispassionately observe blocks arrive much slower than usual, as they h… https://t.co/76YvpoMCAq
@chartpiker Well, they shouldn’t be there in the first place… 😬
If you’re anxious about the upcoming SegWit2X fork: no need! All you have to do is nothing. The least safe thing you can do is create txns.
@seweso Competition is great; I’m saying that eventually folks will figure out that they have to actually add value… https://t.co/lKbR8aiFLV
@KingSolomonMine @Robbie_Toro @CryptoCasca @decredproject On-chain voting can help coordinate changes but you can’t… https://t.co/DW2iKnpox9
Helpful if you want to better understand Bitcoin’s Simplified Payment Verification tech used by light clients. https://t.co/LV8Hs9grAJ
Like 2013’s altcoin avalanche & more recent ICO outbreak, Bitcoin forking bonanza shall continue until everyone realizes its ridiculousness.
I hope BGold does the responsible thing and implements strong 2-way replay protection + an address format change… https://t.co/bnWaw67cJa
@Peter_Villa_III @matthew_d_green @Excellion @adam3us Sure; you can’t stop people from leaving Bitcoin.
@matthew_d_green @Excellion @adam3us We’re playing a new game. I think the unofficial name of the game is “hide and… https://t.co/MEvRq97kBq
September list stats:
bitcoin-dev: 188 emails about improvement proposals
SegWit2X: 1 email about replay protection, 10 about @Wayniloans
@Excellion SPAMMO!

@Truthcoin Whoa, I don’t think we have to read them all… pic.twitter.com/mSkOfoBUwk
@timelessdev It’s not so much that DAGs are provably flawed as it is that A) IOTA has some closed source “coordinat… https://t.co/k7Jb75qE0r
@alistairmilne @alexbosworth @ErikVoorhees @TenaciousBTC @SatoshiLite @thomastoscani @coinbase @blockchain Not quit… https://t.co/WdS7p6luRf
@alexbosworth @ErikVoorhees @TenaciousBTC @SatoshiLite @thomastoscani Ditto; I don’t recall @coinbase or… https://t.co/goLzD4llIu
@2drewlee They can be negative, sure, especially when conveying a message of rejection. But it’s hard to express co… https://t.co/c6QKfwICMD
@desantis @ChaincodeLabs It would be nice if you could select time frames for the first two sets of stats…
If I’m reading this correctly, the developers at @ChaincodeLabs are winning at documenting their code! ðŸ’ðŸ¼ðŸ’ðŸ¼ðŸ’ðŸ¼â€¦ https://t.co/HUknPlUGGo

@2drewlee What do you mean, “instead?” pic.twitter.com/q1mo497Rnm

maxkeiser The only bubble in #Bitcoin is ignorance. pic.twitter.com/heeoUTcA7r
@mir_btc @giacomozucco @fahmyeu @MrVo0do0 Congratulations!
“Cryptocurrencies need to be backed by central governments.” - @wolfofwallst https://t.co/pRLlmjLcBq https://t.co/GpX4laZKdc
@jonmatonis And yet they do play an interesting role of signaling within meatspace consensus…
@wolfofwallst On a less obvious level, BTC is backed by the resources of all of us who support it financially, technically, & ideologically.
@wolfofwallst On an obvious level it is secured from attack via proof of electricity consumption and by a network of fully validating nodes.
@wolfofwallst I heard that you think Bitcoin isn’t backed by anything - I’d suggest you look deeper. Bitcoin is backed by massive resources.
RT @Avivz78: Applying some #algorithmic_game_theory to redesign #Bitcoin’s fee market.
New paper with @or_sattath and Ron Lavi.
@RainDogDance Directed Acyclic Graph
Oh my - it’s not even using a blockchain, it’s using IOTA (a DAG) which I wouldn’t trust to store more than $10 on. https://t.co/fwVm1NSMdl
@RileyGrant Because for some people it’s about the idea, not themselves. Ask yourself why Satoshi used a pseudonym.
Don’t conflate pseudonymity with lack of skin in the game. Building a rep ain’t easy, regardless of your name. https://t.co/tFSphdxLLQ
Some use pseudonyms to troll w/o ruining their reputation. Others use nyms as protection from bad actors & to focus discussions on ideas.
Lightning Network Q&A with @futuregravy https://t.co/tF1hhcOGfM
RT @Vaultoro: @BidadooBames @bhec39 @jessedain @Medium 2) As any good businessman, I stick to my word / signature and would have followed t…
@phildaian I think there’s room for improvement given that a tiny fraction of actual node operators (miners) get to… https://t.co/Uv9W3fGatm
@phildaian If said actors are able to impose a cost upon the ecosystem that is greater than the value of the operat… https://t.co/bkbtNPvo1M
@BeerdHead Not sure that’s a great example given that the use of Public Library resources is regulated by librarian… https://t.co/Jy1YiqI9vM
@BeerdHead You mean, real-world examples of the Tragedy of the Commons? Check out https://t.co/KX29YE8m1N
@phildaian You can absolutely be economically rational and simultaneously inconsiderate of using shared resources… thus the tragedy.
4) A distributed append-only log has immense utility; if you offer cheap / free writing of data to other peoples’ hard drives, expect abuse.
3) When asked why they were using the blockchain when any relational database would suffice, they answer “because it’s easy and we can.”
2) I’ve seen companies create on-chain txns, sending within the same wallet, during low-fee periods, just for internal accounting purposes.
1) If you make a public resource absurdly cheap / free then it will be abused by ignorant / inconsiderate people. Tragedy of the Commons.
@VinnyLingham I find it highly suspicious that @pmarca is listed at #2 when he hasn’t tweeted in what, over a year?
@jgarzik It’s possible, though in my experience high txn volume enterprises tend to not really care about on-chain privacy.
@PaytheTollman Creating room for more transactions means customers will pay lower fees and get faster confirmations… https://t.co/I3CYgftHkK
Same goes for Bitcoin companies that won’t batch transaction sends to create efficient many-output transactions. https://t.co/WJOWY4ZxHn
Bitcoin companies that won’t add SegWit support but do push for larger blocks are trying to externalize their dev costs onto the network.
Wow, Greg Maxwell performed an audit of @armory’s fragmented backup functionality for funsies? https://t.co/xBLT13umXR
I wonder if @Bitso @YourBTCC @RipioApp @ShapeShift_io are going to follow their own guidance for SegWit2X?… https://t.co/CiirdhhBA9
@scottshapiro It would if it was being used.
@AugustoSitio Most definitely.

Trailing week stats, BTC vs BCH: pic.twitter.com/yu0s45AgGm
@RichardHeartWin @BitMEXdotcom @bitfinex @CryptoFLtd @OKCoin @coinpit @blockswater Yeah, a binary is just betting w… https://t.co/Pjog7XKEvc
Actions speak louder than words; where are the SegWit2X futures markets? ð@BitMEXdotcomc@bitfinexn@CryptoFLtdL@OKCoino@coinpitpit
@rogerkver @nullc_ @adam3us @eric_lombrozo @LukeDashjr @ToneVays @alansilbert @bergealex4 @WhalePanda @kanzure Don’… https://t.co/x53BcPa4AT
@KarateMc4w350m3 It’s so low it’s a rounding error. The cost of the CPU cycles on my RPi node would be well under $0.01
End result: hashpower is only powerful within context of competing against other valid-block-producing hashpower. https://t.co/hjvk6DRcg0
@paul_btc @zooko @AriDavidPaul You seem to be referring to one specific type of on-chain governance?
@zooko @paul_btc @AriDavidPaul It’s tricky b/c governance does imply creation & enforcement of rules. So if you can… https://t.co/RrDQRzLv3b
@paul_btc @AriDavidPaul @zooko Right, that’s why I think “governance” may be the wrong term. If participants are al… https://t.co/cv8KI2CXT0
The cost of creating a valid Bitcoin block is arbitrarily high & based upon network consensus. The cost of rejecting an invalid block is 0.
@MKjrstad @seweso I work for BitGo and this was on one of our VPSes. Yes, it has SSDs with 8,000 IOPs provisioned.
@mikeinspace Maybe you can bring them on Bitcoin Car Talk to hash it out!
@AriDavidPaul @zooko It’s certainly not a strong argument when there is a high cost to leave. 😕
@AriDavidPaul @zooko I don’t claim it’s optimal because first we’d have to agree upon what we’re optimizing for. I… https://t.co/R0uFpOYenZ
@AriDavidPaul @zooko Democracy is governance by overwhelming voice / force - Bitcoin is governance by exit. I doubt… https://t.co/Ln2HH49pHc
@AriDavidPaul @zooko If “on-chain governance” means “on-chain democracy” then it seems like a solution looking for a problem.
@iCreateOFX @joshuasmarx @BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop… https://t.co/OiqxGBGzhx
@prestonjbyrne Good luck shutting down the ones in more friendly jurisdictions and the ones running on tor…
@iCreateOFX @joshuasmarx @BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop… https://t.co/RI9gZcKoqm
@joshuasmarx @iCreateOFX @BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop… https://t.co/E0eeJ7w5En

To the moon! pic.twitter.com/1DEYNCAoNu
@BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/AFI4tIiOLU
@scottwalker99 A bunch of people quit out of fear while others get pissed off and go underground.
@zacksomeone @BitGo We already have one developer in Germany; if you’re qualified then you can apply to work remotely.
@MKjrstad This was syncing Parity 1.7.2 on an SSD with ~8,000 IOPs.
@WolfOfEthcoin @BitGo Hmmmm not that I’m aware of; we’re mainly looking for highly experienced engineers.
@CryptoBully @BitGo I’d suspect only the largest of companies could justify in-house. Maybe really large exchanges?
And we doubled our open positions at @BitGo. Hit me up if you’re qualified for any of these https://t.co/N8Zy6SFUEk https://t.co/uKykuEhNxy
@krisbolt Nope, it would just push Bitcoin use underground and into other jurisdictions.
@estebs @ProfFaustus @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/92RbT4vxTm
@BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/rileRROhVW
@ProfFaustus @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/YmSBFOI9sA
@ProfFaustus Miners stopped generating coins on a local node long ago. Most miners connect to a pool via a mining p… https://t.co/mQ4bYgoQot
@KLoaec @francispouliot_ @nvk What’s the bandwidth of HAM radio?
@pairedodue @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/HvAtZ1BA0J
@MTurlakov Bitcoin is very much self governed - by each individual who governs themselves via their fully validating node.
@BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/vsUVidL5w4
@rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair @brian_armstrong… https://t.co/pkAxt0yKhE
Many events could cause Bitcoin to stumble, but very few stop it from getting back up:
* Kill the Internet
* Imprison / kill all supporters
@eric_lombrozo Well this is for work, so it’s somewhat important to know the operational requirements… 😬
This week I learned you can start syncing an archival Ethereum node, travel completely around the world, and it still won’t be finished.
@inthepixels @ParityTech Sure, the data directory is a config option.
If you try to sync a new @ParityTech 1.7.2 archive node with less than 500GB of disk space, you’re gonna have a bad time when it crashes.
Censoring myself super hard when customer support tickets come in complaining that it’s taking over an hour to get… https://t.co/H4RwVQnwie
RT @SatoshiLite: So disappointed to see Raiden (i.e. Lightning on Ethereum) go for a cash grab. A token is not needed. 🤒
5+ LN teams on Bi…
@mhsutton It would need to be a technology that actually requires a crypto token/asset in order to provide unique functionality.
@EdwardKerstein Doesn’t seem to be an immediate threat. Over a long enough time frame, all crypto systems tend to need upgrading.
Cyber security is a nightmare.
Crypto asset security is a 10X nightmare.
Smart contract security is a 100X nightmare.
@twobitidiot @Twitter It lets everyone know you’re a verified idiot. 😂
@francispouliot_ Only problem is that you can’t guarantee that everyone who sees first tweet will see the second.
@brianchoffman @tpacchia He has his opinions and I have mine. 😊
I have an investment thesis that crypto assets fueled by butthurt are incapable of sustaining competitive valuations https://t.co/z3NXuXdg36
@timoncc The latter - a lot of folks don’t know the difference 😦
@bitentrepreneur @Lacksfish @MadBitcoins Good luck! I hope your engine doesn’t die in the middle of the canal ;-)
Great explanation of MERKLEBRANCHVERIFY & how it can enable Merklized Abstract Syntax Trees & other Bitcoin feature… https://t.co/YKuyMzFF8G
@mecampbellsoup @Lyth0s If you’re running a tor hidden service then you’re probably also running on clearnet. Diffe… https://t.co/U3MLirxui8
@ziggamon Surely BCH is far more profitable while it’s hyperinflating? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ziggamon Or maybe they’re afraid they’ll have to turn off soon, so they’re hyperinflating while they still can.

Looks like another round of bcash hyperinflation incoming… fork.lol/pow/speed pic.twitter.com/0hUa4MRkLl
@mecampbellsoup @Lyth0s If you’re running a hidden service then you’ll be helping users whose nodes are on tor, thu… https://t.co/O9bztqAmoF
@killerstorm @esthon As one of the contributors to Core 0.15, I can confirm that I am not employed by Blockstream. 🙃
Bitcoin’s mempool clears out a lot faster now that Chinese exchanges aren’t making many transactions… #SilverLining
@Lyth0s To maximize your sovereignty within the system, you should validate your BTC holdings by backing them with a full node.
Those who would sacrifice self sovereignty to gain scalability shall ultimately have neither.
@twobitidiot At this rate they may be obsolete before they’re formed. Who needs a market when an assassin drone will suffice?
RT @bradheath: Thanks to a #FOIA mixup, we now know the FBI authorized its informants to commit serious crimes 381 times last year
Cryptogovernance is what happens to governance when you remove violence from the equation.
@myetherwallet @kyletorpey @Twitter In my personal experience you can get denied by @twitter many times, but once y… https://t.co/Dr8OdlYCs3
HODLing BTC is a constant test of your understanding.
Bad case: you fall prey to FUD & sell.
Worst case: you lose everything.
@matt_odell @CryptoKnight2 That would make sense from the ICO runner’s perspective, though color me surprised if ce… https://t.co/wzjXRu4wJO
@CryptoChrisG @hernzzzzzz High electricity prices, I’d wager.
China may prove that the concerns about miner centralization were well-founded. Good luck, China: we’re watching… https://t.co/bQeDUQ6hwf
@CryptoKnight2 Indeed; I wonder if the celebs accept BTC 😬
@storming_j Yeah, plus there are so many questionable ICOs now that there’s little point trying to tear them down.… https://t.co/9N2ZJNuapn
I’ve been offered as much as 1 BTC per tweet to promote questionable ICOs. Something to keep in mind when you see folks pumping such ICOs.
Would you rather buy a Lambo this year or a Koenigsegg next year? #CryptoEconomicsProblems https://t.co/NqhD1qz6wc
Q: Who controls Bitcoin?
A: Anyone who cares enough to enforce the rules to which they agree.
@matshenricson Such has always been the case. Little point worrying about what others think; paradigm shifts are sc… https://t.co/VhVw2ukBDW
RT @jimmysong: I just published “Bitcoin and Virtue Part 1: Prudence†https://t.co/PcG019Nerd
@Ragnarly @compricadev @xapo @BitGo @blockchain @ElectrumWallet @SamouraiWallet @Wayniloans I think the best way to… https://t.co/bTumuwIaoW
@matshenricson The opportunity to increase your BTC holdings by extracting value from those who support forks with which you disagree.
@matshenricson Yes, but you can’t stop people from doing reckless things in a permissionless system. You can expres… https://t.co/vDSQpgPFIY
If you think forks are an attack on Bitcoin then embrace the opportunity. Forks can’t be stopped; the grand experiment must continue.
@Ragnarly @compricadev @xapo @BitGo @blockchain @ElectrumWallet @SamouraiWallet @Wayniloans I wasn’t a fan of bcash… https://t.co/ghfi4GGWNv
@Ragnarly @compricadev @xapo @BitGo @blockchain @ElectrumWallet @SamouraiWallet @Wayniloans @mikebelshe Cancelling… https://t.co/klwrNA6cj7
@Ragnarly @compricadev @xapo @BitGo @blockchain @ElectrumWallet @SamouraiWallet @Wayniloans Just as no one can stop… https://t.co/7WxqTWvxtA
@Ragnarly @compricadev @xapo @BitGo @blockchain @ElectrumWallet @SamouraiWallet @Wayniloans History shows us that i… https://t.co/IJ8DftJbTA
@Ragnarly @compricadev @xapo @BitGo @blockchain @ElectrumWallet @SamouraiWallet @Wayniloans The short version is th… https://t.co/NcqIAmzlNW
Traveling by air == routing your body through a network with unacceptably high latency, packet loss, & poorly configured firewalls.
@NicolasDorier I’m staying at University of Tokyo; want to meet up the night of the 20th or 21st?
.@Wayniloans withdraws from New York Agreement due to lack of replay protection, developer & user support. https://t.co/VDfgeWKHPv
注æ„ã€æ±äº¬ï¼šç§ã¯ä»Šé€±ç”ºã«ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ 会ã„ã¾ã—ょã†ï¼
@VinnyLingham @MrTokken @eric_lombrozo @ErikVoorhees @LukeDashjr @morcosa Though, to be fair, if you gather togethe… https://t.co/Hqi42O8BJO
@VinnyLingham @MrTokken @eric_lombrozo @ErikVoorhees @LukeDashjr @morcosa Nakamoto consensus != human consensus. Th… https://t.co/WyGDuhyVvA
@joseandreschl @naval @__hunts I moved my Bitcoin educational resources to https://t.co/d2FH36KLv2 & open sourced my whole site on @github 😀

Dear folks who support contentious Bitcoin forks: it’s not personal. ðŸpic.twitter.com/a1oEPj9Mu3Mu3

The harder nation states crack down, the more coins smart money will buy. pic.twitter.com/QDZvDk9jT8
@pig_poetry That’s easy - spend less than you earn. 😬
If you’re here to get rich quickly, you’re following the wrong guy. If you want to learn how to regain the freedoms you deserve: welcome!
@tedmrogers @jgarzik @giacomozucco @xapo What if there are two chains that flip flop back and forth? Better think through the edge cases…

Some folks get upset when they feel that others aren’t playing fair, but it’s all in The Game. pic.twitter.com/GPJ8pz1aTy
lopp If you look around the blockchain space and can’t tell who’s getting scammed, it’s probably you.

Trying to buy bitcoin hardware with a credit card… how appropriate. “Transaction denied by the banking network.” pic.twitter.com/K5qF5qDbMf
@sevcsik I’m not claiming the logic is sound, though perhaps you could make a case for unit bias mattering.
@Jim_Harper @joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Except protocols don’t enforce themselve… https://t.co/L1ubXOPWIO
@kerbleski It just means that some blocks are produced by unidentified entities; they could all be at one unidentified pool.
@kerbleski Any given pool probably runs a handful of nodes; it’s not really possible to tell without pretty extensive network analysis.
Bitcoin was designed to withstand both external and internal attacks. Resisting the whims of seemingly powerful entities shows its strength.
@Jim_Harper @joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Hmmmm what about timelocked transactions? Or multisig hodlings? 🤔
@Jim_Harper @joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg If we agree to use the same crypto asset… https://t.co/2Alrb8IWi1
@joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg And if you consider that public permissionless proto… https://t.co/Q3T22hekoG
@joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Amongst the NYA signers, probably not. Amongst the e… https://t.co/qjtbOQJrfc

Bitcoin implementation nodes in perspective, via coin.dance/nodes pic.twitter.com/oEdIa9xPdu
@ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Note that it’s possible for you to keep your word while mini… https://t.co/gT5cfn3O9l
@palm_w1 @merkle_tree This has nothing to do with legalities, just technical solutions to technical problems.