I’ve funded the development of an open source lightweight block explorer via Lighthouse https://t.co/enWXeyqrXJ
@CathyReisenwitz Seems to me that his resources could be better spent simply finding another lady with whom to reproduce.
Ex inordinatio venit pecunia.
Ordering disorder is value creation.
Chaos is opportunity.
@coinffeine Order book chart rendering is unreliable; sometimes works fine, sometimes half renders, sometimes nothing renders.
@coinffeine FYI it looks like you need to fix the maintainer address on your package. pic.twitter.com/sBwWWriymY
@coinffeine Thanks for providing a .deb!
RT @coinffeine: Coinffeine launches the Technical Preview version of its P2P #Bitcoin exchange http://t.co/yPVETfMtTq
@covati 💊
jgarzik When will a #bitcoin exchange offer USD/EUR in addition to USD/BTC & EUR/BTC?
Enables cross-border rails as well as added FX liquidity.
I’ll be giving a presentation Saturday at @unccs’ 50th Anniversary Symposium entitled “Block Chains and the Future of Trustless Computing”
roasbeef Provable execution of data-processing pipelines on clusters w/ secret input!
Cluster Computing in Zero Knowledge: eprint.iacr.org/2015/377.pdf
ryanxcharles @lopp “How’s the weather today?” “Stormy with a strong chance of reorgs.”
@rubensayshi Yeah, I wanted to convey that these events have caused some turbulence, especially for folks running blockchain listeners. :-P
Recent testnet block storms visualized via @blockr_io pic.twitter.com/mf0GV1gbx8
Due to the recent events I’m calling “block storms,” testnet’s block height has gone from 20,000+ behind mainnet to 20,000+ ahead.
@PanteraCapital @dan_pantera Really wish folks would stop quoting wallet numbers without clarifying what constitutes a “wallet.”
RT @OverstockCEO: .@Overstock files to offer stock that works like #bitcoin http://t.co/IUg7OM7jfg
RT @kristovatlas: Tremendous class demonstrated by BitGo and AntPool after bug causes 85 btc mining fee http://t.co/3Oa9RFQpRN
@BitPay @biteasy_com @blocktrail @Coinprism FYI again. Kudos to @blockr_io for making it through the block storm this time.
@gigq Ah, I cancelled it immediately - no biggie.
@gigq Eh? Referring to the legacy recovery tool bug? All’s well that ends well.
@mzdr0 @BJAofficial @ChangeTip Haha no, it’s OK, I already cancelled it.
Green Day’s lead singer, @BJAofficial, stole $5 from a Redditor in the 90s, paid it back this week via @changetip https://t.co/1f6PhPZFj5
@paullinator @kristovatlas For the record, that’s our deprecated recovery script for legacy wallets; most have HD wallets. Looking into it.
@oocBlog Hm, it looks like @blockchain’s API has a ‘received_time’ field on blocks; guess I’ll use this.
@oocBlog Just in general across all miners.
@oocBlog Do you keep stats on block publication variance or know anyone who does?
Radomysisky Ghost Gunner, Now Shipping: youtu.be/bjasSGZd40s
@pig_poetry You brought that can to your new office?
@chamath @renovomotors Sweet; I’ve always wanted a debugger built into my car. :-)
Claiming that Bitcoin is sound tech but doomed to fail b/c many early adopters are white libertarian males is simply an ad hominem fallacy.
pwuille @orionwl just merged pruning support in #Bitcoin Core! Run a (no wallet) full node with 1.3 GB storage. Thanks to all who contributed.
@yrashk I know, right? Even worse: one person who ignored my email added me to their email newsletter distribution list w/o asking. ಠ_à²
@coincenter @jerrybrito @nathanielpopper @felixsalmon *yawn* alright, we’ll put it on the record for posterity. bitcoinobituaries.com/tag/235-13/
@barrysilbert @felixsalmon Those who say it can’t be done shouldn’t interrupt those who are doing it.
@ameir Bacon wrapped asparagus, bro. Also, bacon wrapped jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese.
In an amazing juxtaposition of bleeding edge with nearly extinct, you can now send faxes globally and pay with BTC. bitcoinfax.net
@kristovatlas Have any reading material you can link? Otherwise I’d suggest you write a blog post - I’d like to know more.
@kristovatlas How have the funding sources shaped their efforts as opposed to core devs working on what interests them?
@kristovatlas I really don’t see the big deal about who pays for a few core devs here and there; Bitcoin Core is still open source.
@ddahlke @mikestable @jefft The funny thing is that my current project is called “IndexerB”
@jefft @mikestable BWAHAHAHA pic.twitter.com/8fH3Si4d2O
@jefft finally get to cash in those sweet sweet stock options?
@barrysilbert Glad to be working with you, Barry!
RT @stevestreeting: This is so awesome, we should all use this system right now :D
“How to pronounce hexedicimal” http://t.co/crtDm7TDMN ht…
@kristovatlas IT’S OVER 9000!!!1ONE
@danielcawrey @jonrussell A bitcoin in the hand is worth a hundred in MTGOX
Bitcoin’s divisibility doesn’t decrease its scarcity b/c there are limitations imposed by the protocol & the resources running the network.
Has anyone built a Bitcoin network simulator that spools up nodes in regtest mode and generates blocks, txs, double spends, forks, etc?
RT @gavinandresen: … so I’ll be spending more time on the MassPike: http://t.co/GF5z4E4KC0
@mikestable Open your mouth and close your eyes and I’ll give you a big surprise… http://t.co/tXBIwva0Iq
@emilepetrone Definitely hit up the Sewer Museum. It’s hard to find but worth it.
blockchainU .@ryanxcharles on blockchain transactions, high level scripting & block components.
Thx @BitGo
youtu.be/gW0ASGbwkMU pic.twitter.com/ksiwy7hlLN
@nvk If you could reformat that into a fortune teller model, that’d be great. pic.twitter.com/jpTHwYWASd
@flyosity Is it possible / allowed to set different in-app pricing based upon the device? :-P
@kristovatlas You mean we need more layers of abstraction that hide the details of what’s going on under the hood?
RT @grafana: Its Alive! Grafana 2.0 Stable Released!
http://t.co/reyMw7ff9J http://t.co/H01JeziV6c
Possibly the nerdiest reading group in the history of ever. The Bitcoin Pull Request Reading Group: bitcoinprreadinggroup.github.io
RT @pourmecoffee: 32 death sentences.. “FBI overstated forensic hair matches in nearly all trials before 2000” http://t.co/Nl5UNlCudW http:…
@NTmoney @jerrybrito I’m fairly sure that Satoshi never used the term “blockchain” - IMO it became prevalent due to blockchain.info
.@BitseedOrg now has the beginnings of a web-based administrative interface for managing your node. pic.twitter.com/xXOz3UKwnz
Unsurprisingly, I’m seeing a 10X year-over-year increase in lightweight (SPV) Bitcoin clients connecting to my node. pic.twitter.com/xja88FCQ0G
RT @coinbase: Sensible State Regulation: North Carolina https://t.co/ChniIX8wNK
The @DigitalBitbox is a new minimalist cryptocurrency hardware wallet. Looks promising! digitalbitbox.com pic.twitter.com/tjlvG9v8yo
RT @bencxr: Ideas for using #Bitcoin & @bitgo #API in #IoT, #micropayments, etc for @CollegeCrypto #BitHack @PlugandPlayTC https://t.co/4l7…
@mikestable ONLY IN DURHAM https://t.co/iTa92ObnAu
@sericatrading @taariqlewis Can you do it yourself and save some money? Probably, but I wanted to make sure that it was done right.
@sericatrading @taariqlewis The fees were essentially to get the paperwork done to set up the LLC correctly with the IRA custodian.
@sericatrading @taariqlewis Been there, done that. https://t.co/uemffo1Dhp
@flyosity And Apple’s audio processing pipeline is superior… how?
@pig_poetry Finally, a solution for neckbeards who have sold out to corporate america!
@aguertin @PanteraCapital @dan_pantera My perspective is that they’re simply tokens that allow you to leverage the features of the protocol.
@jgarzik I wrote a few thoughts about it here, though it’s not a detailed “how-to” https://t.co/7kOHqwY7T4
Checking out a presentation by @HiveDrive on their secure decentralized cloud storage platform. pic.twitter.com/efu6MzutwI
@lhlips @reddit What a neat idea :-P http://t.co/AmZzRdcjxo https://t.co/oFOUzGriui
@ematiu My testnet nodes are reporting the current blockheight as 347711; if you restart bitcoind does it remain at 333056?
@ematiu Yeah, it sounds like your bitcoind got stuck.
@BitPay @biteasy_com @blockr_io @blocktrail @Coinprism FYI
RT @blocktrail: What happened on #bitcoin testnet yesterday? https://t.co/OU2mKPH36b
@mriou they could have at least generated a nice taunting vanity address!
.@mriou This is also what a difficulty timing attack looks like: pic.twitter.com/K9wMqU7lkg
@JohnMardlin @mriou @BlockCypher I have to admit that today’s events have been helpful (and frustrating) for me.
mriou That is what an attack on the #bitcoin #testnet looks like (don’t panic, not main net). pic.twitter.com/ctplQsqIHx
@mriou @BlockCypher What indicates to you that it’s an attack rather than just the normal reset of mining difficulty to 1?
RT @_FloridaMan: Florida Man Arrested for Advertising “Legit Counterfeit $$” on Craigslist http://t.co/qcGr2zbvvZ
@elonmusk Don’t tell me the odds!
laurabaverman Cryptolina Returns: An NC Bitcoin Update: ow.ly/Lyp8L @TriangleBitcoin @Cryptolina @CltBitcoin @EdmundCMoy
RT @cdixon: “My 5.5 Months on Soylent: The Joys of Not Cooking” http://t.co/Itn15VkYWm http://t.co/y0eFxWYxHE
Kudos to @alxwinter on producing an amazing Silk Road documentary; I’m proud to have helped fund @deepwebmovie
It was a pleasant surprise to run into @a_greenberg at the screening of @deepwebmovie at @FullFrame festival. pic.twitter.com/TIv09Y9kec
@danlowe @Magnus919 @knucklesandwich Not from what I can tell, but I don’t have the most discerning palate.
@Magnus919 @knucklesandwich @danlowe @SamsQuikShop Drinking now; it smells bad but tastes as expected. B+, makes a great @soylent chaser.
2014 was the year of (talking about) multi-sig. 2015 is the year of (using) multi-sig. pic.twitter.com/zdfbWYNOY4
@AriannaSimpson shhhhhh I thought we were coordinating a sneak attack…
@jgarzik I’ve been waiting 10 years for a HUD. If they can add a front camera, automatic recording, and perhaps a solar panel on top…
@drinkmati Serious question: where can I buy Mati by the case?
@danlowe in stock at @SamsQuikShop pic.twitter.com/5h42W6SOuo
Once again, white hat “johoe” is the hero Bitcoin deserves. Last year he recovered 800+ BTC for @blockchain users. http://t.co/vsjE9tvcKq
LE adoption of body cameras is heartening but it’s mostly for naught if footage is considered “personnel records” rather than public record.
@CathyReisenwitz @jeffreyatucker #5 for real; the most pushback I get is in the form of “but a liberty focused society wouldn’t be a utopia”
@petertoddbtc @coinbase yeah, looking forward to my 50% ROI!
.@WorldBitcoinNet’s life stories, framed around the relationship between fear and freedom, are inspiring: youtu.be/pNfdKO22iD8
matthew_d_green And I hate, hate, hate that I sound like a crackpot about this. I would think so too if I wasn’t hearing it from people who’re anything but.
matthew_d_green There is a hammer coming down on the very notion of human beings communicating privately at scale. If you don’t realize this, pay attention.
@Jim_Harper Are you enjoying your @BTCFoundation board seat?
@mikestable WAKKA FLAKKA @_FloridaMan http://t.co/ZgrF3aTNGK
@ralphtheninja @kristovatlas It tends to work fine with the defaults for the average person; the options are quite helpful for devs.
Fun fact: Bitcoin Core 0.10 has 94 configuration options. pic.twitter.com/92GPILuMlL
@ollekullberg True; I’ve even heard some devs say that they are anti-testnet use :-)
the_intercept After police removed Snowden statue from Brooklyn park, artists replaced it with a hologram. on.mash.to/1Fbu7v9 pic.twitter.com/HleOnIbLjz
Blockchain metrics are used to measure adoption; look at testnet metrics to gauge development. Testnet tx volume: pic.twitter.com/RyaiSqn5MB
@pig_poetry It’s so relieving to wake up in the morning and see your daemon’s still alive.
@kristovatlas It’s all about framing the conversation around the audience’s interests :-)
How to create a @BitGo Wallet with a @MyceliumCom Entropy generated offline key: https://t.co/VOdejJuqhm
kristovatlas I thought HD just made Bitcoin wallet backup simpler, but HD is a *powerful* architecture for helping wallets fix their broken privacy.
@emilepetrone Well, ‘could be’ vs ‘definitely listening’ :-)
@emilepetrone Are you not concerned about privacy implications of constantly listening devices?
olivierjanss Bitcoin Foundation’s Corporate Counsel (Greg Egan) just resigned.
@Radomysisky How much popcorn have you eaten today?
TuurDemeester The Critical Three Parts of a Bitcoin Transaction, by @gendal: bit.ly/1NPFpq8 pic.twitter.com/gaO29d8LIY
@twobitidiot @olivierjanss @BTCFoundation It sounds like there’s not much left to target politically; I guess we’ll find out in Two Weeksâ„¢
@twobitidiot Are you claiming that @olivierjanss is lying about the current state of @BTCFoundation?
RT @olivierjanss: The truth about the Bitcoin Foundation http://t.co/tM2ZOV7WuA
RT @BitseedOrg: #Bitcoin Nodes: How Many is Enough? https://t.co/IYh8SDSnx1 by @lopp
@pig_poetry I hope to be doing that dance momentarily…
coin_artist The painting is a #puzzle, there is 4.87 #bitcoin concealed by this image. Happy #EasterEgg
i.imgur.com/OSpEZtA.jpg pic.twitter.com/90kuCshXj1
@CathyReisenwitz Insect flour as more water efficient food product? I’d give it a try just to compare it against @soylent…
@CathyReisenwitz Think we’d see an exodus of thirsty poor people from CA?
@jfeldis @BitseedOrg I recommend you link to https://t.co/8oxBRPGYey in your docs; excellent guide that includes port forwarding.
@jfeldis @BitseedOrg Are you on @github? Where can I send lengthier suggestions?
@mikestable @ddahlke Hold my beer: https://t.co/ay4Vpv0Nup
@jfeldis @BitseedOrg Seems you could simplify all the btcwatch crontab entries into: 00 * * * * bash /home/linaro/btcwatch.sh >> cron.log
@jfeldis @BitseedOrg You’re right; it’s set to run on Sunday. FYI your documentation says it runs nightly.
@ScottaBeTrue @BitseedOrg It’s a node rather than a miner. You can learn about why nodes are important here: https://t.co/nQOKskSo0k
@BitseedOrg Have your test devices experienced corruption that bitcoind couldn’t recover? I’ve never had a hard shutdown that was critical.
@BitseedOrg Why stop bitcoind & back up the blockchain nightly? That’s fine for a dev box, but full nodes should stay connected to network.
I’m the proud owner of @BitseedOrg unit #18 pic.twitter.com/ZHHaXW7lXy
@iomwhereyoucan @HuffPostUKTech FYI you misspelled Bitstamp a couple times as “Bitsmap”
@el33th4xor I average a bit more than 1,000 per day on my well connected nodes.
@ryanxcharles Drat; I already dumped all of my bits into Toxcoin!
RT @bitonbit: We’re proud to announce ChangeTip SCAN! Watch bills turn into bits right in the palm of your hand! https://t.co/VQEeTyQU6E