@sweetlydrifting Dewmosa?
There are no stupid questions, except the ones you could have Googled in a few seconds and not bothered me about.
@adamrawlings *post-digestion
Testament to the complexity of human language: after 50 years of computing it’s still a bitch to safely manipulate non-Latin character sets.
If you don’t trim your fingernails before grappling with dudes, you’re gonna have a bloody time…
@emilepetrone I also do that to screen folks who reply to my Craigslist ads.
@ameir Typical GOP fearmongering. Makes me wonder if she truly lives in fear as she is saying. If so, I pity her.
BarackObama Hey, everyone: I’ll be taking your questions online today. Ask yours here: http://t.co/pcwZHo3O -bo
juliussharpe For just $28,000, I will teach any politician or politician’s wife to wave like a normal human being.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
Saw a guy wearing a Livestrong bracelet today. They need to be updated to http://t.co/9GLYIrsI
@mattmeis No invite for me! http://t.co/QMudFcVy
Writing distributed parallel processing jobs is much more fun than writing multi-threaded parallel processing jobs.
juliussharpe Towing your Harley behind your SUV shows me you’re too big a pussy to own a Harley.
I much prefer the ‘Who to follow’ box now that it mainly seems to be recommending people I already follow.
@sacca @emilepetrone I think the primary difference is access to <free / low-cost> X. I haven’t heard anyone clamoring for free guns :-P
@dcm It’s not possible to have a simple discussion about gun control because it’s not a simple problem :-P
@showbyamantus @Oatmeal DANCE FOR MY AMUSEMENT!
@dcm Referring to NYC? That’s nothing compared to Chicago. Interestingly, 2 cities with the strictest gun control… http://t.co/tc5NIOUr
@andrewcsnell Best case scenario: DPD gets me drunk on the taxpayer’s dime!
Just had my application confirmed to attend the Durham Citizens Police Academy for the next 6 weeks; I hear @ncpolicelogs will be there too!
If you don’t spend 30 seconds Googling pseudoscientific claims before posting them on a social network, don’t worry, I will.
ncpolicelogs Some heroes have four legs. R.I.P. Scooby. http://t.co/LipGPfoT
MarsCuriosity In tribute, I dedicate my landing spot on Mars to you, Ray Bradbury. Greetings from Bradbury Landing! [pic] http://t.co/74SU9URY
The first session of Congress in 1789 had ~59,000 citizens per Representative. The current 112th session has ~716,000 per Representative.
Oatmeal Almost at 3/4 of a million dollars: http://t.co/OIbik6Nh Also t-shirts are back if you donate $50
Time to bring back my “fuck the RIAA” shirt! http://t.co/SqR270On
3D printing is the future of what we currently consider to be highly-skilled fabrication processes. $DDD
It’s a known fact that Facebook has working facial recognition technology. So why haven’t they rolled out a “hide all baby photos” feature?
“Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.” - Ron Swanson
I love how the “Talent for Christ” agency’s phone number is 1-800-STAR-420
I just heard a hilarious UDP joke, but you might not get it.
@ameir Yeah they don’t talk much about the importance of bearing arms against tyrannical government.
Current status: stuck in jQuery spaghetti hell.
TuckerMax I used to play hoops with President Obama in college, and wrote about what he’s like as a player: http://t.co/COoQEqHG
Supposedly we’re having breakfast for lunch… so I’m having pizza for breakfast.
schmichael Proposed RFC 6707 - Current Best Practices in Versioning APIs. Abstract: Burn down building. Collect insurance. Start new company.
julien “Accumulating injuries is the price we pay for the thrill of not having sat around on our asses.” - Mark Rippetoe
@flyosity That’s not anarchism dude, that’s masochism.
I wonder how long it will be before we make it illegal for parents to smoke around their children.
@andrewcsnell Yeah I screwed it up at first. Twitter doesn’t delete fast enough. $10 / month for a fresh toilet!
@andrewcsnell Interesting; so is it worth saving $10 / month to let it mellow?
You only save a handful of dollars per year by following the “if it’s yellow, let it mellow” rule. http://t.co/v6TCmO1j
CarolinaBrewing Tomorrow is Joe’s 1,000th tour! As always, it’s completely free! 1:00pm #milestone #ncbeer
FortnightBeer We’re brewing our first 5 gallon test batch of #ESB today. Aiming for 5.5% ABV with a nice deep copper color. #ncbeer
@ameir How about “don’t trust your money with any bank that’s not owned by the investors, i.e. credit unions.”
neiltyson Tasty Cosmos: Milky Way bar, MoonPie, Eclipse gum, Orbit gum, Sunkist, Celestial Seasonings, Mars bar. No food named Uranus.
Instagramwords Food.
Q: How does NASA deal with packet loss when it comes to transmissions to/from Mars? A: http://t.co/N0wL3aAJ
@MolotovUSA Didn’t know that you were a Mensan as well; ever go to any of the local meetups? I find the 2nd Amendment SIG quite fascinating!
Today I sold an exercise machine. Tomorrow I will use that money to buy a 60 bottle wine rack to support my new production line. Good trade!
“Today is a good day to die… but tommorow is more preferable.” - Worf
melissa5001 #IAmLibertarian because I like my wars declared, my economy free, my liberties uninfringed, and the government on a very tight leash.
Good news, everyone! @HBase can reliably store 1,000,000+ columns in a single column family. However, consequences will never be the same!
How many SEO experts does it take to change a light bulb, light, bulb, lamp, lighting, switch, energy, CFL, LED, porn, sex, xxx, hardcore?
“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” - Albert Einstein
@pmccall777 I don’t think Nathan can see those…
@drewpotential With the knowledge that you’re transforming into a human weapon!
If you show up at your martial arts class and the instructor for the day is named Molotov, you’re gonna have a bad time.
You’re not fooling anybody with those law enforcement society membership decals plastered on your vehicle.
@MichaelCasp So it’s all uphill from here?
If the person with whom you are trying to coordinate a Craigslist transaction goes by Bobby McFerrin, you’re gonna have a bad time.
@andrewcsnell Depends on if you consider 512 ~MEGA~ bytes small!
DurhamCounty Has electric vehicle charging stations at Main Library, S. Regional Library, N. Regional Library, Human Services, & new Courthouse deck.
Big Data is when you can’t fit a solitary row from the data store into memory.
If the person with whom you are trying to coordinate a Craigslist transaction is using an AOL email address, you’re gonna have a bad time.
Where is the outrage? Is it not immoral for companies to earn profits by dispensing suffering to thousands of people? http://t.co/RPj8vVs3
Bronto What would you do with 5 weeks PTO? NEW Brontonation blog post on our sabbatical perk: http://t.co/8Y3VXS3B
neiltyson The day we stop exploring is the day we commit ourselves to live in a stagnant world, devoid of curiosity, empty of dreams.
Rather disappointed that my AmazonBasics 32GB Class 10 SD card only lasted 8 months in the helmet cam before is started corrupting the data.
@MichaelCasp Ha; in MY dog(s)!
In dog I trust.
@neiltyson That’s what she said!
RT @JimHalton: Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person from yesterday.
RT @NathanFillion: Setting up Reddit account so I can do an AMA. Thank you to the turd who is already using my name. See how that’s a pr …
@covati Still 100+ P/E sooooooooo no.
@akuaa True that. What level practitioner are you? I’ve been training Krav Maga since Jan and go to a mixed 1 & 2 class; haven’t tested yet.
@gigq I set up a “forward filter” several years ago and it’s great!
The only way to win on the Internet is to offend everyone but be offended by no one.
@mattmeis Orrrrrrrrr you can look at the fucking moon! http://t.co/n16Fl5k4