The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 17th, 2011

@ameir autos,ccw,dubstep,finance,frugal,guns,lounge,motorcycles,movies,stargate,triangle,ubuntu,wtf,zombies

via web in reply to ameir

my co-workers have been trolling my craigslist ad for the motorcycle all morning. at least I figured it out.…

via web

apparently this warm weather snap has jump started a lot of people’s motorcycle searches for the spring. shouldn’t be long til I sell now…

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rundlesreposts You know what sucks? 100 calorie packs. 100 calorie pack of carrots has 10,000 carrots in it. The 100 cal pack of bacon? Like 2 bacon bits.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 9:10 AM, Feb 17th, 2011 via web)

IGN The Dead Island trailer is hands down the best trailer we’ve seen in 2011. |

via web (retweeted on 8:16 AM, Feb 17th, 2011 via web)

really digging the redesigned top nav bar in gmail

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