@drewpotential Who doesn’t love automagic?!?!
American Tobacco touts their cross-contamination-proof touchless soap & towel dispensers, neglected to install touchless faucets & doors…
Reddit: where an 18-year-old exotic dancer / aspiring mathematician can get sound personal finance advice for free. http://t.co/fbrigR69cr
@Jeremy_DeGroot Moving is cowardly; I posit that we can come up with some more effective alternatives.
@nicholascordell This has the potential to be an excellent livetweeting session. Keep it up!
@flyosity Subscriber to /r/bitcoin and you’ll learn a thing or two. Just ignore the circlejerk threads.
@flyosity Does this mean that you care?
@mark_a_phelps Here you go: it dropped back to $130 but is rising again. http://t.co/rHmbmoaU2G