hope you have a great canada day tomorrow, @justinjas - maybe we’ll get a tweet out of you?
“Hey man, you’ve got a boner!”
“That’s a perfectly normal reaction to the adrenaline of combat!”
“NO, I dont wanna fight no more with you!”
i have 3 TB worth of drives sitting on my couch but i’m afraid to plug them in due to the potential for irrevocable data loss… FML
Computer Science for life, and that’s my direction. Instead of b-balls, my homies throw exceptions…
don’t know who to blame (ubuntu?): why when I copy something from firefox to the clipboard, if I close FF it clears the clipboard contents?
good to know, @أمير
Four Loko keeps pushing the envelope - now 12% alcohol by volume - leaving Joose in the dust
day-old dunkin donuts coffee or ‘fresh’ freeze dried extract mixed with hot water?