juliussharpe On the bright side of this North Carolina vote, I don’t think anyone was planning their dream gay wedding in Durham.
One of the major downsides of a democratic system is tyranny of the majority. Thankfully we have the Supreme Court. http://t.co/QiYPOXyh
@michaelbrooks The real shame is that it probably WOULD be better if it were in God’s hands. :-|
Oatmeal It’s such a beautiful spring day outside. I think I’ll sit indoors and pound the F5 key looking at shit that doesn’t matter.
colopy Seeking all-star VP of Engineering to lead multiple teams doing amazing things. https://t.co/5j7iC9Aq
neiltyson My Father’s history with the 1960s Civil Rights Miovement compels me to share this time-sensitive video http://t.co/RpafWfO8
@ameir If the post is not in /r/deadpets, tell them to GTFO and stick to /r/deadpets. If you’re reading /r/deadpets, you’ve got issues.