@pmccall777 @danlowe Aha; how caffeine affects your brain without altering the molecule itself - it binds to receptors. http://t.co/CXFCHUWP
@pmccall777 @danlowe Maybe; never took organic chem or biochem. I equate “metabolize” to “chemical rxns transforming the original inputs”
@danlowe Wat. How do you get any benefits from it if you aren’t metabolizing it.
@danlowe It’s cool, brah - it’s all-natural.
@flyosity The benefit of having “fuck you money” is being able to say “fuck you” and mean it.
@mark_a_phelps Isn’t it the default sig? I equate it to dumbasses who leave the sticker / license plate frame of the dealership on their car
mindnovelty “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. #powerful
I can’t believe that @KimDotCom’s Mega doesn’t accept Bitcoin as a payment method. https://t.co/YpggHmRB
A challenge to the spread of liberty-centric ideologies is being seen as uncompromising, but one does not request freedom; one declares it.