Awwwwwwww snap. The SEC caught “pirateat40” - the anonymous person who ran a 700,000 Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme.
@drewpotential Since it doesn’t even exist, the only way for us to know if they can pull it off is to pony up!
@mikestable The PayPal Mastercard - yay because of the gas, restaurant, & PayPal points or nay because fuck PayPal? I’m leaning towards nay.
I also hate to throw this GPS away because of the sentimental value - it guided me on my 10,000 mile solo motorcycle trip & Iron Butt rides.
@ddahlke I hope you got your DKIM and SPF set up before sending such an important email. You didn’t use a cold IP, did you?!?
@drewpotential I make it a rule to try not to be an early adopter, but I got in at the $600 level on this one.
If you sell a product with a replaceable battery but design it so that attempting to do so may break the device, I hate you. /cc @Garmin
Part of the fun of riding a motorcycle is the included bonus game, “Everyone is Trying to Kill You.” Death is the spice of life…
OH: “Think of it as asking the birthday: when are you going to be your yesterday in relation to my tonight?” #RelativeTimeIssues
RT @johnpodesta: I’ve said it before & will again: Americans have the right to know the laws they live under. cc @RonWyden @wydenpress http…
RTP firm Strategic Development is 1st such firm in NC to accept Bitcoin. In 1997 they were 1st to accept credit cards