@orweinberger “The reason was a disagreement with the board about a new office” http://t.co/MzScrG5ROR
@orweinberger Supposedly he didn’t get the new office space he wanted…
matthew_d_green @lopp @ZerocoinProject @secparam @petertoddbtc No. And it’s killing me that I can’t talk about it now. But very soon.
@DanGodwinYo I think so; government’s gonna put up a fight just like they have with drugs / terrorism / etc.
So… um… is @ZerocoinProject / Zerocash development dead? /cc @matthew_d_green @secparam @petertoddbtc
@PieBirdRaleigh FYI, the “C” in “Bitcoin” shouldn’t be capitalized.
Community’s confidence in @blockchain’s quality of service is waning as glitches continue to not get fixed. What gives, @matt_tuzzolo?
I’m concerned about @blockchain. They raised $30M in VC funding & have 8 devs, yet the bugs reported by users seem to increase every day.