@mark_a_phelps Awwwwwwwwyeah, @ElevatorQueen in da house, y’all.
Proof of Burn https://t.co/KdPIx6gx4B http://t.co/uaXmMjTr5h
RT @realytcracker: AMA is live do the thing http://t.co/ni6CwtFWb5

macrowoman Built on @chain’s awesome API for @money2020 #hackathon filepub.io pic.twitter.com/AMNiqP47gL
RT @My3DPrinting: Engineer Creates Special, Safer Bullets For 3D Printed Guns, Including Semi-automatics http://t.co/2rF66OHBIh http://t.c…
And now for something completely different: a Bitcoin “traffic” visualization. http://t.co/dt4xPZNcjr
RT @realytcracker: Help make it happen for Introducing Neals http://t.co/gz6keYZTiE #indiegogo via @indiegogo
Heads up, #nerdcore fans - @realytcracker’s epic album just dropped. ytcracker.bandcamp.com