The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 24th, 2019

@alex_kroeger @LN_Master_Hub IIRC there was some mailing list discussion last year but it stalled out. UTXO accumul…

via Twitter for Android

@mperklin They do if you want the world to agree upon how much money you have - some piece of data must be replicat…

via Twitter for Android

RT @BitcoinProgress: Subsidy Era: 3/33
Block Subsidy: â‚¿12.5
Blocks Remaining: 52389
███████████▒▒▒▒ 75%

via Twitter for Android

@alex_kroeger @LN_Master_Hub Someone has to store it; in order to sync a new fully node you still have to download…

via Twitter Web Client

@matt_odell @MrJ11m Please suggest improvements! The “Getting Started” section is first, but do you think it should…

via Twitter Web Client

Does the whole world really need to know that you paid your phone bill or made a small retail purchase? If not, you…

via Twitter Web Client