“Sometimes science is more art than science, Morty. A lot of people don’t get that.”
- Rick Sanchez pic.twitter.com/YobLgROWuy
@onesien @flirtingwithbtc oopsies
lopp The true scammers are the “journalists” who claimed that Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.
@monetarydivorce @carl_dong @gladstein Devices like this that are retail routers flashed with custom firmware tend… https://t.co/K2bz317YHT
@carl_dong @gladstein I’m currently sitting on a 6,000 word draft explaining the new VPN setup I’ve been building t… https://t.co/KoZWEVrG1e
@Arthur_van_Pelt It’s his job as Chief History Rewriter
*squints* OK so you’re saying the password has to be between 10 and 12 characters long?
This, of course, is from a..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…OA
@0xToymaker White House whitehouse.gov/nec/briefing-r…
“It would be a grave mistake to… deepen the ties between cryptocurrencies and the broader financial system.”
@LN_Capital Feel free to comment on this issue when you have a URL I can add: github.com/jlopp/lopp.net…
@flirtingwithbtc Heads up, I’m getting a 404 error when trying to load your web site.
@NeerajKA He’ll always have Elon Tusk pic.twitter.com/PnYU5McuM5
In 1950 there were more than 16 workers for every social security beneficiary. That ratio is now below three worker..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…CT
kouloumos 1/ It’s been a year since I left my job to become a Bitcoin Core contributor.
“Getting to Base Camp” is my journey..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…HR
@BitcoinMerges Hopefully this resolves the issue I examined in depth here! blog.lopp.net/is-bitcoin-net…
Podcasts are great way to keep up with current events in Bitcoin land. Quality podcasts provide high signal, low no..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Gt