- critter du jour
my new favorite tv character of all time is omar from the wire. can you name a more badass mother$&#%?
Bought a 2 packs of cigarettes; even researched the ‘best’ ones. Waste of $10. I can think of better ways to pay to slowly kill myself.
Anybody know of a ‘computer junkyard’ in or near Durham? I need a ~6 bay INTERNAL hunk of aluminum. 5.25” or 3.5” - doesn’t matter.
“I see you favor a .45”
“Tonight I do; I keeps one in the chamber in case you’re wondering. At this range even if I miss, I can’t miss.”
In accordance with my pledge to try new things, I purchased a 5 hr energy shot. Not feeling anything now other than a bad taste in my mouth.
Life; you know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you’re waiting for the moments that never come.