AnonyOps ABC is providing a live aerial view #opBartLive
AnonyOps Care to listen to the BART radio, live audio feed? Here: #OpBART
@ameir Scumbag Pig throws compiler error for accessing nonexistent array element, should be runtime error b/c array is dynamically generated
Some might call watching dozens of crash videos sick or morbid… I call it research.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. There are some things that should NOT integrate with twitter. via @weatherchannel
if I get pulled while driving my unregistered crotch rocket, at least I’ll have a legit excuse of “the entire DMV computer system was down”
@asymco @emilepetrone Google just spent $12B to buy 24,000+ patents.
If you’re a dog owner, you’ll love Wilfred. If you’re not a dog owner, you’ll also love Wilfred.