The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 7th, 2015

@flyosity @Medium It’s so flat and yet simultaneously not.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to flyosity

@GerberKawasaki @malito_ali @newsfromIN Yes, I linked you to over a dozen reasons. It’s OK if you haven’t found any that suit your needs.

via Twitter for Android in reply to GerberKawasaki

@GerberKawasaki @malito_ali @newsfromIN Bitcoin has no viable function for legal activity? You have much to learn…

via Twitter Web Client

Average BTC tx size of current spam is 8 KB, 16X larger than usual. But they’re only paying ~2,000 satoshis / KB, 1/20th the usual rate.

via Twitter Web Client

As soon as the transaction malleability attack ends, a new block filling / mempool spam attack begins.

via Twitter Web Client

NickSzabo4 From @SDLerner: “improved version of the Ethereum virtual machine as a Bitcoin sidechain”: fuel pegged to bitcoin.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:03 PM, Oct 7th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

The transaction malleability attacker used to verify his claims to a @motherboard reporter:

via Twitter Web Client

“A Comprehensive Study of Software Forks: Dates, Reasons and Outcomes” via @gavinandresen

via Twitter Web Client