The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 27th, 2015

@twobitidiot Does this mean that we can expect MasterCard to stop publishing anti-Bitcoin opinions?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to twobitidiot

@RaoulGMI @alansilbert If so, be sure to ask for follow-ups from folks such as @ScouseView

via Twitter Web Client

Computer science majors at @UNC have increased 400% in past 5 years, outpacing budget & faculty resources. @unccs

via Twitter Web Client

@jgarzik We can fix this with Proof of Interview!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to jgarzik

@orionwl @pwuille @TheBlueMatt @gavinandresen Is this expected behavior or does it merit investigation?

via Twitter for Android

@knucklesandwich it’s a simpler technology - all you need is a screen and a camera. I’ve also heard arguments that it’s more secure.

via Twitter for Android in reply to knucklesandwich

Bitcoin-enabled smart property is just around the corner!

via Twitter for Android