The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 6th, 2018

@AmberBaldet @TMobile FWIW I’ve yet to hear of a single case of a @projectfi user getting SIM-jacked.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to AmberBaldet

“There are other things that make Bitcoin special than just the blockchain.” - @starkness

via Twitter Web Client

@_JasonCooper One of my favorites is this animation that shows how Bitcoin script gets executed to check the validi…

via Twitter Web Client

Starting a Lightning Developers Twitter list; please recommend any lightning app & protocol developers who should b…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @alexbosworth: Feels like only the other day that I was passing $0.01 in earned routing fees on mainnet Lightning. Just passed $0.10! If…

via Twitter Web Client

@Bullitoss @hugohanoi All the images load for me; perhaps it’s an issue on your end?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Bullitoss