The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 12th, 2018

@DatCryptoLife Thanks for your concern; I’ve balanced my risks and security to my satisfaction.

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@a_ferron This was a VPS so it’s much slower; over 12 hours. Haven’t tried 0.16 on my blazing fast rig, though it o…

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@JasonEbacher @alan8325 Yeah it’s a delicate balance between advertising for awareness and advertising to degrade one’s safety.

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@ElMichaelLewis It has a few upgrades, mostly aerodynamic and suspension.

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The most common reaction I still get to my BITCOIN license plate is laughter. Just another sign that it’s still the…

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@killerstorm Sure, and a letter from a bank doesn’t prove that you own that money. It only proves that someone at t…

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Them: We need a letter from your bank showing proof of assets.
Me: No problem; I’m my own bank. Here’s a cryptograp…

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