RT @alexbosworth: Thrilled to announce starting today I join Lightning Labs as Lightning Infrastructure Lead. Psyched to join a dream team…
@BTC_Is_Freedom @thechaz @BtcpayServer @openbazaar If you were one of the batch 1 orders and your txn didn’t confir… https://t.co/2e68ESX4HD
RT @bitcoinshirtco: @lopp @BtcpayServer @openbazaar If there’s anyone out there who want to learn how to build an online store from scratch…
Sitting here watching orders come in via @BtcpayServer & @openbazaar pic.twitter.com/PDf5wqaufT
RT @brianchoffman: Anyone who buys a Batch 1 or Batch 2 @casahodl on @openbazaar I’ll match back $10USD of BTC. Just show me your proof of…
@wpalczynski @CasaHODL Yeah we have confirmed payment from you, no further action necessary.
Second batch Casa Lightning Node, shipping in November!!
@cryptocomicon LOL that fellow has been creating disinformation videos for a while now.
@wpalczynski @CasaHODL The link was the “Pay with BTCPay” button at the top of the order confirmation page. We can… https://t.co/D0Ba5sSpVH
First batch of @CasaHODL Lightning Nodes are SODL OUT. Stay tuned… pic.twitter.com/ZkLjgvk75b
@specialenmity @CasaHODL @openbazaar Anything is possible but I doubt we’d want to do that for security reasons.
@OcnadPawnbroker @CasaHODL @openbazaar Not at the moment but that’s a feature request worth considering; I know tha… https://t.co/e9y4LaznES
@Bois_I @CasaHODL @openbazaar We’re happy to ship globally; we’ll dig into the store settings.
.@CasaHODL was just the beginning. CasaSPEDN is phase 2. First batch available for pre-order on… https://t.co/t7xDR8cnKR
RT @CasaHODL: Announcing a new product (and team!) we’ve been building in secret - the Casa Lightning Node!
@distributedbit Physical location sounds terrible for privacy. All you really care about is relative distance, righ… https://t.co/rePHYIaSx9
@theinstagibbs @zooko @socrates1024 It’s quite the dilemma. It may simply come down to aggregation of anecdotal evi… https://t.co/G3MDNPiTkm
@kellyreid It have a lightning network section on lopp.net/bitcoin.html - should be able to find node guides from those links
@Eug_Ng That’s tough. Rather than having global tracking services it will likely have to be more localized and anec… https://t.co/3mAgQDalTV