@mdudas @pierre_rochard That’s because they always forget to use a logarithmic Y axis!
@santisiri It requires “a parallel computing resource which enables the emulation, simulation and/or incorporation… https://t.co/4Zg7Zq4oi0
@mattleising @nathanielpopper None of the @WIRED editors even caught the misspelling of Ethereum, so I wouldn’t exp… https://t.co/w0iz8X58RE
@nathanielpopper Bruce doesn’t grok crypto anarchy. He might need a few more years of studying. pic.twitter.com/Vsm352CFfs
@TheBlock__ Casa provides a suite of software that enables people to achieve a high level of personal sovereignty w… https://t.co/YxSLqBzpvt
@lightcoin @schneierblog I mean, the examples are decent but he’s wrong because he used the word “only.”
Oh my, Bruce @schneierblog… years behind the conversation. https://t.co/a7xIRhDJah https://t.co/sR2SdMaKRT
RT @jerrybrito: It’s time to make the case to policymakers that completely anonymous cryptocurrency is in the best interest of society. New…
As long as it’s easier to outsource functionality to a trusted third party than it is to spool up your own infrastr… https://t.co/MmrkqxejiH