The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 28th, 2019

RT @AlenaSatoshi: In the past days my team @CasaHODL

1. launched a revamped website

2. unveiled our “Sovereignt…

via Twitter Web Client

@udiWertheimer @CasaHODL The 2 of 3 model is designed for entry level security - it’s hard to offer the same level…

via Twitter for Android

RT @CasaHODL: Casa is bringing multisig security to everyone! Get started with 2of3 Basic Multisig at no cost, or go for maximum security w…

via Twitter Web Client

@vakeraj @kyletorpey @epicenterbtc If my privacy measures can’t stand up to the pressure of being discussed publicl…

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@eiaine @eric_lombrozo @Ragnarly @fluffypony It’s an unconference; you get out of it what you put into it. I’ve wri…

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@kirkballou @starkness @spencernoon The Casa Node runs Bitcoin Core and LND, thus the answer is the same - until be…

via Twitter Web Client

@spencernoon The nature of antifragile networks is such that disasters are localized rather than systemic. While so…

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RT @TheBlock__: EXCLUSIVE: Casa is dramatically shifting its business, and it’s kicking off with two new products (via @Dogetoshi)

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