The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 11th, 2019

@dan_coff @ecurrencyhodler @Catheryne_N I recommend that you purchase one of those spinning disk hard drives and us…

via Twitter for Android

@ThomasBakketun @YouTube Hard to believe that URL returns a 200 OK

via Twitter Web Client

If you operate a web service that displays an error page for deleted / nonexistent content but doesn’t return an HT…

via Twitter Web Client

@udiWertheimer @ChaincodeLabs I linked to the youtube playlist rather than the actual site; problem?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to udiWertheimer

@CryptoLaughing That just indicates that you have clicked on them before. I wanted to give people an indication of…

via Twitter Web Client

You may be asking “Jameson, why not buy as a companion domain to si…

via Twitter Web Client

Much more plausible explanation than the folks who were trying to correlate this drop in transactions with the powe…

via Twitter Web Client

@bilybily36 This list is open source; pull requests welcome!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to bilybily36

Once you’ve explored the journey continues at

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