Whoa, that must have cost a few satoshis on https://t.co/bTmCvRb8Hj H/T @prieff https://t.co/6NJcqCk5rB
@brianchoffman If you stick around Bitcoin long enough, you will do or say something that offends a non-trivial num… https://t.co/oNiqmCPuTk
@giacomozucco @grandegoalsx OK this is rather odd but my autocomplete spits out the exact same as yours.
RT @jack: Got one of these to play with. Thanks @CasaHODL @jeremyrwelch! https://t.co/XnGqucrQNH
TCP/IP was invented in the 1970s and failed because it didn’t achieve mainstream adoption for several decades, righ… https://t.co/meuiml5aeU
I’m a protocol maximalist. For example: SMTP, FTP, NNTP, and others have their uses but the reality is that it’s all about that HTTP(S)
@dladowitz We’ll probably also support that setup.
@dladowitz Casa Node operates a standalone wallet for its lightning service; I don’t expect we’d support it acting… https://t.co/nCLAdxM4Mf

AlenaSatoshi Deleted that custodial account yet? :) pic.twitter.com/zaeBv3Rn8d
@dladowitz If you want them to /never/ be in the same place then you’d either need to leave your phone when you go… https://t.co/Q2PFhAwlbV
RT @alexbosworth: With Lightning 1.1 we will be taking a big step away from 1.0. Interestingly there’s a parallel to Bitcoin history where…
@dladowitz All of our wallets are seedless - we believe that users should not be managing seed phrases as it greatl… https://t.co/drL2sXBOYL