The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 27th, 2019

RT @wizsecurity: Digging into CoinLab’s outlandish $16B USD claim against the MtGox estate:

via Twitter for Android

Five jobs I’ve had (according to the haters):

1. Blockstream shill
2. Dragon’s Den conspirator
3. Grin pumper
4. C…

via Twitter for Android

@yogi_golden Swatting is just one example. There are many variations.

via Twitter for Android in reply to yogi_golden

Discussing possible nation state attacks often get dismissed as paranoia under the assumption that you aren’t impor…

via Twitter for Android

@PeterMcCormack @kyletorpey Twitter has mechanisms to fix that. Most of my tweets garner vitriolic responses, but I rarely see them.

via Twitter for Android in reply to PeterMcCormack