@hrdwrknvrstps @adam3us @tylerwinklevoss @virgingalactic @richardbranson They regretted it even if they replaced the BTC 😂
@PetterHallqvist @APompliano In order for me to agree or disagree with you, first you’d need to define “best.” For… https://t.co/BedEr8nbdp
@VoskCoin Highly unlikely to change in the foreseeable future
@adam3us @tylerwinklevoss @virgingalactic @richardbranson Yes but everyone who paid 25 BTC for a lifetime membershi… https://t.co/lkJUIJdu04
@AmeerRosic @ekryski Sure
@PetterHallqvist @APompliano That is correct; Bitcoin governance is crypto anarchy. I expanded upon how it works in… https://t.co/Gd3QSqcwPo
The folks who thought Bitcoin was a miner-driven democracy now have their own network (reality) where that is (some… https://t.co/RAnD42BE0E
@APompliano Kind of, but democracy is tyranny of the majority and Bitcoin is a paradigm shift away from that model.… https://t.co/kGCK0BQ1tI
@bullofbtc Yes this is me too! https://t.co/yVwOrrtHut
@killerstorm I’m keeping an eye on:
Unlike scammers, I’m willing to work for my money. For a mere $100 in BTC I’ll tell you why your idea is terrible!… https://t.co/yeLJdqsoOS