@jonas_karlberg I’ve had good experience with high end ASUS routers running the merlin firmware.
@flyosity Probably only getting started. If haven’t seen signs of being overhyped yet. Retail interest is still pretty low.
RT @saifedean: It seems some people are pirating early drafts of my book. Please only pirate the final version! It’s much better and it’s e…
The Supreme Court just rekt Mississippi’s habit of perpetuating prosecutorial racism. https://t.co/KjN9JYeyDq
RT @CasaHODL: Don’t forget to mark your calendar:
Good Morning Cyberspace kicks off live Sunday at 11:11am EST!
Come chat cybersecurity w…

Memelords waiting to post at 10K be like
H/T @JimBTC pic.twitter.com/TWBeVSQwwi
@Melt_Dem @twobitidiot @NewYork_SEC Someone’s gonna get rekt when the arbitrage begins…
@pden_app Of course; anyone is free to translate.
“We will not allow cryptocurrency to become the equivalent of secret numbered accounts” - U.S. Treasury Secretary S… https://t.co/0c4RlVnt5f
We choose to HODL bitcoin, not because it is easy, but because it is hard money; because the goal will serve to org… https://t.co/jyUlIN3EEQ
@PeterMcCormack @giancarloCFTC @CFTCquintenz Metal
@peterktodd Sure, perhaps the issue is more philosophical: if a bunch of blocks are chained in a private network th… https://t.co/bQTosbNs5t
@alpacasw @pierre_rochard @steveinpursuit It’s not a technical problem, it just makes bitcoin’s exchanges rate more… https://t.co/1BpZx1V3N3
@peterktodd Yes, but do non-validator nodes actually receive and process those blocks? It may be more accurate to s… https://t.co/VX05D5teOY
@pierre_rochard @steveinpursuit The problem is that is also appeals to weak hands who won’t have the conviction to… https://t.co/ztbfvAcBVq
@VelvelFreedman @KyleWRoche If you’re held in contempt of court for a civil case but you’re not in the United State… https://t.co/RadTVauA96
@liber_liver We don’t have a way to import unsigned transactions into keymaster; also the signing isn’t that flexib… https://t.co/eIy9FDpCWa