The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 26th, 2013

RT @coinbase: Your first $1,000,000 USD in merchant processing is now free! - We’ve long believed that merchant adoption……

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@danlowe Dingleberries are the worst.

via twicca in reply to danlowe

@emilepetrone Yay, but if you’re seriously investigating it then look at BitPay as well. I like their payment system better as a user.

via web in reply to emilepetrone

@emilepetrone I used it today, brah. Also, I wrote a @coinbase payment integration for our app as a hack day project.

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@ameir UN seems more useless every year. Especially b/c Russia is pro-regime & we may basically be entering into a proxy war w/them.

via web in reply to ameir

@ameir That is, this seems like a job for U.N. forces. A job that should have been undertaken long ago.

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@ameir Why do we get to play Team America World Police simply because they used chemical weapons? What about all the non-chemical murders?

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@ameir Are you getting phished on LinkedIn now?

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Purchased a 2 week supply of @soylent on @Crowdtilt with via @coinbase - I love living in the future.

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My two favorite PHP variables to see in a code review are probably $thing and $what.

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ErikVoorhees : Bitcoin Foundation meets today with DHS, Treasury, FBI, FinCEN, IRS, FDIC, Federal Reserve, DEA, and Secret Service.

via web (retweeted on 1:34 PM, Aug 26th, 2013 via web)

Ordered a steak salad for lunch because I’m trying a low-carb diet. The salad came out with french fries on it.

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“When you tear out a man’s tongue you’re not proving him a liar, you’re telling the world that you fear what he may say.” - Tyrion Lannister

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