@mediumvillain @mattyglesias Officers told him to drop his weapon, instead he approached them with it. He gave them no choice.
@mattyglesias @binarybits Can’t tell in the video if he has a knife. However, if he was holding a knife, that was justifiable use of force.
RT @AmagiMetals: Amagi will no longer accept Dollars after 2016, read more: https://t.co/KkzkmoyMOk #crypto #preciousmetals #finance #futur…
@thinkprogress How does it contradict the police account? Looks like he was approaching the officers. If he had a knife, it was justified.
balajis Implication: little guy may only strike it big by founding/joining/investing in startups. That is, real risk needed for real reward.

@twobitidiot “You give me that juris-my-diction crap, you can cram it up your ass.” pic.twitter.com/vFEk0dTapM
Six month ago I wished for https://t.co/RnKFZWnE0p. Now @lhlips has delivered http://t.co/0gp3OR0pLn!
@flyosity My Ferguson discussion incited a quite lengthy conversation, though very vew people ‘liked’ it, so who knows how much viz it got.

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TuurDemeester Argentina: peso hits a new low, annualised inflation now 50%. pic.twitter.com/gpic4J24oP