@mikestable wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee http://t.co/wpPD4KtHoN
@blakecallens @mitalpatel I have mixed feelings. It certainly could be worse, a la #BitLicense, though they havn’t grasped all implications.
This just in: North Carolina will treat bitcoin as money under the NC Money Transmitters Act. http://t.co/gjqnBNmyqp
@mikestable I bet they’re hiring Big Data engineers!
@orweinberger @danariely My data is bigger than yours!
@adaugelli @Kosmatos It’s a one weekend promotion. Source: http://t.co/87XOr9ykMo
@tomfgoodwin @cdixon Just wait a few years and that currency will arrive. And it’ll likely be Bitcoin. coinometrics.com/bitcoin/vix
@mattvleming @polemitis The more interesting devs will build services that have never existed. https://t.co/bFWX6pkk0E
@mattvleming @polemitis Some devs will simply act as payment processing / integration consultants. They’ll be the code monkeys of Bitcoin.
@orweinberger $3,000 ± $2,000