The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 13th, 2016

@jonhbit What are you thinking, like meshnets / bitsats?

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@gavinandresen Gotcha; it doesn’t seem a perfect comparison since it’s not a consensus DB; there are workarounds.

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@deadalnix You mean remove the block size limit? Performance characteristics & thus resource cost are result of work by Bitcoin devs.

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@_drgo Or should it be based upon the benefit to the average user (amount stored / transacted?)

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@realSimonBurns @gavinandresen Big concern seems to be that demand that exceeds capacity changes the economics of using the network.

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@sylvandb Cost of running a node is the question I keep coming back to with regard to scalability debate:

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@fredzannarbor @_drgo Because disk space, CPU, RAM, bandwidth, electricity, etc are not free.

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What should we target as the acceptable cost to run a full Bitcoin node? (for “other,” please reply / heart replies)

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@gavinandresen Sure, but only BGP tables are a shared resource & their growth is limited by IP address space.

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@pierebel Digitizing consciousness ought to achieve the same effect :-)

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“Life” goals:
1) Extend bio lifespan 10X
2) Digitize self into galactic mesh network
3) Escape heat death of universe into parallel universe

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@gasull Sure; larger blocks will affect the fee market, though I’d bet that any new cap will eventually be hit & cycle will repeat.

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@mikeinspace I consider a PC “slow” when I have to wait a perceptible amount of time for it to accomplish something; I still do it a lot.

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6) This brings us to the debate over fee markets and whether they are necessary at this point in time.

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5) There is no objective way of categorizing which use cases belong on the blockchain and which don’t; we let the market decide via fees.

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4) Think of it in general terms of PCs. My PC 20 years ago was slow. My PC today is still slow. More complex software uses more resources.

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3) This is because there is no such thing as “enough computational resources.” Developers will use all resources available to them.

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2) As long as Bitcoin is backed by machines with finite resources, there will be contention over their use and availability.

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1) The first step to finding inner peace with the Bitcoin block size debate is realizing that it will never end.

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@kristovatlas Maybe they lost it or already blew it on dice games and dark markets.

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Leapfrogging in the opposite direction, it seems.
“RSCoin would be a tool of state control”

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20% polled think ether will be a store of value.
20% of ether holders are using it for non-speculative purposes.

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