The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

September 13th, 2016

Lightweight blockchain clients were crucial for IBM Blue Horizon engineers - enabled them to install IoT apps in vehicles.

via Twitter for Android

IBM ran into scalability & cost problems with public blockchains, thus pushing them to Hyperledger. Sounds like @jgarzik’s Fidelity Problem.

via Twitter for Android only uses Ethereum as a proof of concept b/c it can only support ~20K devices. Will eventually use Hyperledger.

via Twitter for Android

Create a weather station on & it registers a Weather Underground account & sends them data.

via Twitter for Android

@masonic_tweets Yep, should be interesting to compare the two.

via Twitter for Android in reply to masonic_tweets

Blue Horizon incorporates Ethereum , Telehash, and BitTorrent protocols. Designed to run on a Raspberry Pi.

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

IBM’s Blue Horizon IoT technology will be open sourced in the next few months!

via Twitter for Android

If your job is easily automated by a bit of hardware and/or software, you’re essentially a biological robot.

via Twitter Web Client