Beware of Indian BTC arbitrage scams. Red flags: payouts via PayPal, no names of operators, no snapshots of site on
@davef__ Drat; it would still make a great meme.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin There’s some nuance in there that I think Mike did a good job explaining on the WhaleClub chat.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin We don’t publicize all improvements :-)
Policy changes are quite rare thus this adds little human intervention.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin It can’t scale, which is why policies should be set appropriately to avoid need for human intervention.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin We posted about some of the changes we’ve made here:
RT @BitGo: Welcome @OKCoin!
“How Bitcoin’s Blockchain Changes Everything” - lightning talk by @martindale at @AllThingsOpen 2016
“It’s not a Bug, It’s a Backdoor!” - great presentation by @kristovatlas at @AllThingsOpen last month.
Miners are raising their minimum fee rates. Comparison of 7 months ago (left) to today (right.) Hard floor still at…
With ETH falling 40% in past 2 months, BTC’s market cap dominance has risen to 86%.

Seeing @facebook ads for an ICO. Sounds legit…
@ameir You can’t shoot AT the flag but you are allowed to shoot the flag out of an air cannon at crowds as a prize. #Murica
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin Lowering learning curve decreases CONOP as well :-)
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin Raises question of if it’s Bitcoin devs’ responsibility to make that a possibility.
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin I’ve seen recent posts about not being able to run a node in India.
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin Indeed, I think geographical differences in cost should also be discussed.
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees Why not? The operations and storage required to sync a full node isn’t a mystery.
@kingjames104 @JoelNihlean I regret to inform you that you risked your life without even understanding what you were fighting for.
@SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees Lots of arguments about making the cost of running a node higher or lower, none about what the cost should be
@SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees To answer your question, I’d say it’s because no one has even attempted to quantify CONOP.
@SatoshiRoundtbl I’m not attacking @ErikVoorhees, but rather making a joke about the unreasonably redundant arguing in this space.
I respect your First Amendment right to say we should restrict rights. Let’s not escalate it to the next Amendment.