RT @jerrybrito: Venezuelans are turning to bitcoin as the bolÃvar crumbles https://t.co/RVGwbOJUo2 Glad to see someone finally wrote this s…
RT @HecklerForever: Venezuela’s currency, the bolivar, is so devalued, bills are no longer counted but weighed. 😱
RT @TheStalwart: This chart of the black market bolivar is incredible https://t.co/smP8MugGPt https://t.co/Xdc8Qk3qu1
As of this week we’ve started recording & posting @TriangleBitcoin presentations to this @YouTube channel: https://t.co/oD2Ln0ReQ3
Word on the street is that OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK & OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY can enable a lot of new functionality. https://t.co/enUizwr3On
RT @Blockstream: Advancing scripts in #Bitcoin. New post on using Covenants and Moeser-Eyal-Sirer vault: https://t.co/pIUf62k0lU @el33th4xor
DoJ assistant attorney: the reason the US government didn’t shut down Bitcoin is because they recognized they can’t. https://t.co/o7wJOoPGCz
DoJ assistant attorney: quite a few federal agents own bitcoins simply because they find the technology fascinating. https://t.co/o7wJOoPGCz
DoJ assistant attorney: mixers could often be unscrambled by law enforcement in ~2013, have improved since then. https://t.co/o7wJOoPGCz
statoshi.info upgraded to 0.13.1; next I’ll look into adding SegWit specific stats.
@coincidental_eu And if you announce a useragent that a site considers obsolete, they shut you out.
“The Elements Project - A Community of Innovators” presented by @martindale of @Blockstream at @TriangleBitcoin. https://t.co/ptlSBYZzne
@linuxfoundation @jgarzik @nithyaruff @ericabrescia Congratulations!
Downside to running a browser user agent spoofer: overly “helpful” web sites. pic.twitter.com/SmlLHJZvAM