@MrHodl @BashCo_ @BitPay @spair If you send your 2X coins without replay protection, you’ve just lost your BTC.
@BashCo_ @BitPay @spair It’s fine for HODLers to “stop using Bitcoin” for transacting because it’s perfectly safe t… https://t.co/V2SWCvCSgi
@kyletorpey @morcosa @kristovatlas @rogerkver SegWit miners don’t count because they violated Satoshis Vision. Only… https://t.co/M6pxPbzknI
BCH community generally agrees that miners decide the rules. Why would miners decide to enforce new EDA rules that decrease their profits? 🤔
@morcosa Somebody has to make sure BitGo users don’t get forked off a given crypto asset network… 😬
Parity releasing critical fixes 2 days before fork. Bcash forking again w/2 weeks notice. Airdrops abound. Can’t afford to blink these days.
@ryanxcharles Bitcoin Cash Classic is the real Bitcoin‽
@brianchoffman In my experience, giving crypto assets to people who know nothing about them tends to end poorly. Wh… https://t.co/ETW6pElYCw
@brianchoffman Not at all; if you want to burn your BTC it’s fine with me. 🙃
Simplicity: A New Language for Blockchains blockstream.com/simplicity.pdf H/T @alexbosworth pic.twitter.com/KxGaVPsYnv
@brianchoffman You misspelled “burning BTC.”
@beijingbitcoins /r/btc is best suited for advanced users who are sufficiently zen to safely navigate the vitriolic… https://t.co/l10DfrSNhj
Each time Bitcoin bubbles a wave of HODLers check their wallets only to discover their HODL is permanent due to bad data backup practices.