The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 29th, 2017

‘Tis the season for a Bitcoin horror story.

via Twitter for Android

@newsereum I’m specifically referring to payment tokens. The argument being that it’s better to have fewer types of…

via Twitter for Android

@KingSolomonMine You’re claiming that I can’t fork the codebase and blockchain and convince others to follow me?

via Twitter for Android in reply to KingSolomonMine

ZCash is pretty neat, though I’d like to see higher utilization of shielding. Currently 2.6% of value & 20% of txns.

via Twitter Web Client

If you hear “on-chain governance” it likely means on-chain voting & coordination. I’m skeptical b/c no one can control open source software.

via Twitter Web Client

Beware of crypto tokens that are only used to pay for a specific service, for they are simply altcoins with highly restricted utility.

via Twitter Web Client