The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 8th, 2018

@skwp Interesting thought experiment… if there was a huge price discrepancy then it seems that would incentivize…

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@vagobond I may have parsed your statement differently than you intended - I’d say everyone should have the freedom…

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@rogerkver It sounds like you’re looking for a “kitchen sink” protocol. I hear Ethereum is pretty good for that…

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Privacy and freedom have a similar property: once lost, they are extremely difficult to reclaim. Thus they must be…

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@akip62013 From a freedom of association standpoint they could, but doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, so they’d have to break that.

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@russmonk Of course responsibility is involved. If you wish to dictate the responsibility of others by threatening…

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@TerencesTweets You’re completely correct, but that doesn’t conflict with what I said. Freedom does come with personal responsibility.

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@vagobond The problem here is that I don’t have the right to force you to sell me anything.

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@skwp It depends upon what you mean by OK. I find it illogical and reprehensible, but don’t believe that it should…

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@derekGUMB My point is that freedom of association means that any party to an economic transaction may use any arbi…

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@brianchoffman @Cats_Explained It’s not equivalence so much as irrelevance. The good/service being sold is irreleva…

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@lightcoin If this tweet has caused just a few folks to think more critically about this issue then my goal has been accomplished.

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RT @AaronvanW: There were _always_ two AsicBoost concerns:

- Patent could skew competition by state enforcement
- Covert use might’ve been…

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@Thefurleyghost1 I don’t support bigotry. I support the right for people to be bigots. They should reap what they s…

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@bobbyteenager14 The consequence of freedom is the ability to make poor decisions that have terrible consequences.…

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@RolloMcFloogle Absolutely; freedom of association will certainly play a role in the Lightning Network. No one can…

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@brianchoffman You should incorporate that data into your decision making when you are choosing with whom you wish to associate.

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@WhaleofTopia You bring up an interesting point that I believe has yet to be solved: how to determine the maturity…

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If you disagree with either of these statements then you don’t actually support freedom of association:


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@baltakatei You could use @opentimestamps to chronicle whatever you consider to be important work you’ve accomplished.

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@m_r_j_smith Hm, that’s not how I perceive it, though it may just be that most of the /outspoken/ libertarians are…

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@dontpoketheBull Use fresh @GiovanniRanaUSA pasta, not that dried out stuff you find on most grocery store shelves.

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