The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 22nd, 2018

@DrSammyD @psycho_sage @naval They are shunned by everyone who is paying attention.

via Twitter for Android in reply to DrSammyD

RT @Blockstream: Welcome to the #WeekofLApps! @Blockstream is introducing 7 new #LightningApps (#LApps) over 7 days. The first #LApp is #Fi…

via Twitter Web Client

@psycho_sage @naval Bitcoin is a game where everybody watches everybody else to make sure nobody cheats.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to psycho_sage

@bitcoinyuri @CasaHODL Casa’s value doesn’t lie in having a unique key model, but in having superior usability and…

via Twitter Web Client

Just as BTC has been used for illegal txns, so has its data store been used to save illegal data & objectionable co…

via Twitter Web Client

@YBhutwala @CasaHODL @blockstack @jeremyrwelch @ElectrumWallet Mainly a user-friendly interface that reinforces bes…

via Twitter Web Client

Indeed; I understand Bitcoin so poorly that I wrote a 3,000 word article about why that is the case.…

via Twitter Web Client

@GabrielNergaard @naval Why’s that? Has someone observed the expansion of the universe to be slowing down?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to GabrielNergaard

“Second law of thermodynamics states that total entropy only increases. Living systems locally reverse entropy, but…

via Twitter Web Client

“Casa: Premium HODL Software” - the @CasaHODL demo from @blockstack Berlin 2018 with @jeremyrwelch is now viewable:

via Twitter Web Client

@BashCo_ Clearly Merriam-Webster didn’t look at the maths!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to BashCo_