The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 24th, 2018

RT @Melt_Dem: i just published “drowning in tokens: a pragmatists take on perceived scarcity and artificial demand”

via Twitter for Android

RT @Blockstream: Day 3 of our #WeekofLApps brings us one of the most desired use-cases for #Lightning Network payments: Tipping! With #nano…

via Twitter for Android

RT @NickSzabo4: New blog post: The many traditions of non-governmental money (part i)

via Twitter Web Client

@LukasBraziunas @LTESKNCRYPTOGOD Blockchain is just a data structure; it’s unrelated to consensus protocols.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to LukasBraziunas

@itsmangopeople @LTESKNCRYPTOGOD Blockchain is just a data structure; it’s unrelated to consensus protocols.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to itsmangopeople