The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 4th, 2018

@derekGUMB Then the github URLs stop working and people form a new schelling point at a new URL. Bitcoin Core wasn’…

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“Who controls Bitcoin Core github?” is the wrong question to ask; there are many implementations and no code repo i…

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@chris_belcher_ I don’t have much of a preference myself, it just seems like the logical conclusion that we’ll end…

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Crypto is indeed a funny place. Beware of scammers!

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@WhalePanda @AntPoolofficial Maybe they’re trying to help jump start the fee market again? Gotta get those fee reve…

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Instead of wasting time on yet another default denomination debate, Bitcoiners could just switch to using satoshis.…

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@ummjackson @ahcastor @peterktodd @MatGroennebaek If Github is untrusted, github accounts are irrelevant. Either a…

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Sovereignty is not granted, it is asserted.

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@ummjackson @ahcastor @peterktodd @MatGroennebaek You’re digging a rabbit hole based upon centralized authoritarian…

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@FedericoTenga @giacomozucco There is no “The Bitcoin repo” so this is a non-issue. There are at least half dozen i…

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@ahcastor @ummjackson @peterktodd @MatGroennebaek You’re all talking past each other. Peter’s point is that control…

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If you buy bitcoin in order to exchange it for more fiat then best wishes to you in your endeavor, but you’re missi…

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“You can have less supply than you want and guarantee it’s secure, or you can have the supply you need, but there w…

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@oscpacey @CasaHODL With regard to wrench attacks the idea is to disperse keys across multiple access controlled lo…

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@oscpacey @CasaHODL We’ve thought about time locks but it gets tricky due to tradeoffs with recovering from various…

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Japanese government sure hates gold - they make it quite clear that the penalty for smuggling gold is 500% of the v…

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RT @TheBlock__: EXCLUSIVE: Casa, the crypto security firm, brings on an industry heavyweight as it eyes new opportunities…

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@pageman There’s a list at the bottom of the release notes.

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