The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 28th, 2018

@spencecoin @brucefenton That’s probably why they’re so random - I have ad blockers on most everything but this was…

via Twitter for Android

@brucefenton I enjoyed your whitepaper anniversary article. Some of the ads were kinda inappropriate though.

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@francispouliot_ Like stealing a lightning fast fighter jet or something?

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@JustDoingItBig @ParityTech Not from me, though if anything I’d expect it to be a bit faster because you wouldn’t h…

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RT @alexbosworth: Strong (rough) quote from Electrum author Thomas Voegtlein in his presentation announcing LN support coming to Electrum:…

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@cyber_hokie @econoar @hrdwrknvrstps @ParityTech Keep track. I don’t think that testing the sync once or twice a ye…

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@AFDudley0 @antiprosynth @oscpacey @ParityTech It’s important to clarify the different use cases. For the purposes…

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@cyber_hokie @econoar @hrdwrknvrstps @ParityTech The point is to keep track of the resources required to achieve th…

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@oscpacey @hodlonaut @felfarns @ParityTech While Ethereum is running near max capacity it appears to be adding abou…

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@adam3us @MrHodl @ParityTech If I recall correctly, $20k is the “piss off!” threshold.

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@adhik_Joshi @ParityTech That’s a personal decision. I’m pretty sure a VPS with these specs will costs you hundreds of dollars per month.

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@midmagic In terms of block height? Super fast until around block 2.7M, then slow for a few hundred thousand blocks…

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@BitcoinJC @jimmysong Fees are implicit in bitcoin transactions; it’s up to wallet developers to implement appropriate sanity checks.

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@oscpacey @ParityTech Ethereum is slightly different / more complex. I’m not doing full archival because my hard dr…

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@emivelazquez6 I haven’t come across any; doing some searches and it looks like the few that are out there are more…

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Full validation sync of @ParityTech 2.1.3 now takes 5,326 minutes (3.7 days) on this machine. I increased cache to…

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