The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 29th, 2019

@AlanFreestone Think of it as a public database that is highly replicated and unlikely to be corrupted or deleted.…

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RIP the “medium of exchange” fork narrative.

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Relative to BTC, BSV and BCH are increasingly being used as a way to store data, as opposed to as a medium of excha…

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@nic__carter Do they really think a Faketoshi is going to stop Bitcoin at this point even after inciting multiple c…

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Because history has taught us that conscription and forced labor is a healthy way to increase patriotism.

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@OneMorePeter Finally launching Petercoin? Peters of the world, rejoice!

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@scotch2gmail @travismo123 @GilroyPD Wrong. You clearly don’t understand the dynamics of gunfights.

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