The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 25th, 2019

@StartNodeOrg It looks like they have another repository that stores and indexes blocks and transactions but I don’…

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@StartNodeOrg Stratis looks like a full node but haskoin looks like it isn’t a full node - it only appears to downl…

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RT @jpurd17: How fast they think you are (block time)


How fast you really are (settlement time)

Bitcoin is #1 and it’s…

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@hmichellerose I’m recommending that people (especially young folks with little to lose) to go all in on SOMETHING.…

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@ratdisc I’m pretty sure that most successful entrepreneurs fail multiple times before finally succeeding.

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@TonioMeier Payment channels (for uncooperative channel closing transactions)

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@ecurrencyhodler Yep, worth noting that some of the wealthiest people have gone bankrupt or near bankrupt and later rebounded.

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Nobody became wealthy quickly due to diversifying their investments. You know why the wealthiest people tend to be…

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It would be cool to generate a chart showing how many BTC are locked up for the next X years via OP_CHECKTIMELOCKVE…

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@flyosity Ready to stop wasting your time worrying about political bullshit that’s outside of your control?

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@fiatjaf It seems inevitable in the long term. Most people using custodians isn’t great, but at least we’d all be p…

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@shamoons Short term crash and eventual rebound of the exchange rate. Probably not much else other than a renewed hunt for Satoshi.

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@mikejarema So far so good! Next time I’m going to be even more of a hardass with not giving sensitive information to bankers.

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@onesourgrape Metal is more likely to be lost to an attacker. Steganography is more likely to be lost by yourself d…

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@BlackHoleBH_ Sure, it seems to make sense for supply chain tracking and provenance. Anything that requires a robus…

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@CandleHater They are an inadequate source of light and heat.

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